A movie night a couple of months ago we watched From Paris with Love with John Travolta and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. It was one of those movies that we really wanted to see, but not at the movies. And as soon as it came out on rental-dvd or Blue Ray we rented it.
This movie is to Travolta to Snakes on a Plane is to Samuel L. Jackson. It's their fun, action packed, fuck-the-world and have a blast movie. And I loved them both. It's this satirical and smart-ass komedy as well as lots of action that makes movies like these great - that, and the fact that you can see that they had a TOTAL BLAST making the movie...
John Travolta plays an American spy sent to Paris to deal with a couple of bad guys. To his help he has an Embassy employee (Rhys Meyers) whose biggest dream is to become a spy.
Rating: KKKKK / 5 K
Second movie that evening/weekend was Kick Ass - a movie that we were quite unsure of although it seemed like it could be funny. And Yes it was amusing and LOL at times but it was extremly different than other "based on comics movies". I know this isn't based on a real comic but you get my point.
The movie is smart and rather endearing with lots of wierd ideas and funny bits. The language is in no way apropriate for younger children, but we found it really good. But strange...
The story is about a boy in high school, Aaron Johnson, that wonders why people don't become super heros - and his way of finding himself by becoming the Superhero Kick Ass.
Nicolas Cage, plays Big Daddy has a big part of the movie and he is probably my favorite character in the movie. He is ironic, some-what Eor-ish, funny and just an all around good guy.
Rating: KKKK / 5K
The third movie was Shutter Island based on Dennis Lehane's book with the same title, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. A story about two U.S. Marshalls sent out to Shutter Island, a hospital for the mentally insane, to investigate a disappearance.
The movie was good, scary and kind of mysterious, but unfortunetly for me I figured out the ending as soon as the movie started, which kind of make the experience not as good as it could have been. But I really liked the way it was filmed and the idea of the movie. And who doesn't love Martin Scorsese's movies?
Some parts were frigtening and some down right wierd and some parts funny. It was all in all a really good movie. Well worth watching!
Rating: KKKK/5K
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