fredag 24 december 2010

Dubai 2010 - Day 4

We slept in today, just because we could. But then I realized that my mom was still at home, so we got up and made a nice breakfast for all of us instead of sleeping longer. We sat on the balcony and talked for along time and then around 9.30-10 we went to the beach and swam and sun tanned.

The beach pretty much is the same every day - but since we were there somewhat later today, it was alot warmer and more sunny. But we did spend quite some time in the warm water and enjoyed the sun alot.

My Mom left for work and Andy had a meeting at 12.30, so we went inside and got ready. After Andy's meeting we had lunch ordered in from Burger King. We had lunch with my Mom and then she drove us to The Emirates Mall for some last day Christmas shopping.

The Emirates Mall is no where as big as The Dubai Mall - but it sure does have everything. Andy and I split of from Little brother and started by shopping in Home Center and then kept on checking the stores. After a couple of hours Little Brother called and said that he was done and that he could have a coffee - and we were pretty much in agreement. We went to Borders, a book store, and inside they had Starbucks. I love Starbucks =)
The my Dad called and we decided that my Mom and Dad would come to the mall after work and that we'd have dinner together. So we had about 1 hour till they would be there. So we did some more shopping and then we met up with Little brother and my parents for dinner.

After dinner my parents did some grocery shopping while me and Andy finished our shopping. Then we all went home with the cars filled with presents and food.

Once at home we started making some of the Christmas foods for the Christmas Smörgåsbord for the 24th, in Sweden Christmas is celebrated on the 24th. We started by ovenfrying with mustard and breadtopping, the hams, one turkey and one pork ham.

And then we made the traditional Jansons Frestelse, or Jansons Temptation, which is pretty much a grataine of potatoes, onion, sprat (a herring like fish) and cream. The tradition is that it is always me and my Dad that do it together, but we always get into a fight because he wants it one way and I want to do it my way =)
But this year Andy and my Dad made the Janson and there was no fighting =) I think that'll be our new tradition =)

Then it was time for us all to start thinking about wrapping presents and waiting for the Jansons and ham to be done in the oven. And just before midnight we all crept into bed...

... So that Santa could come and put presents under our makeshift tree...

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