tisdag 28 december 2010

Dubai 2010 - Day 9

We woke up today and decided to go for a swim eventhough our tummies still weren't golden. Some sun would do us good. Dad went to work early and after Mom and Little brother left, we started to make breakfast. But then we decided to go to Costa Café instead for breakfast. A nice change...

After breakfast we went straight to the beach and made ourselves comfortable for a couple of hours in the sun.
 After a few hours of reading and listening to music in the sunshine we had a shift change with my Little brother. We took "over" Mom and he took over our sun chairs =) We changed and then we set of for a new adventure with Mom. I love how the gps shows the Palm =)
We were on our way to Dragon Mart - pretty much Chinatown. Lots of cool shopping for good prices, what could be better? Also we called my friend Mai and told her to meet us there...

On the way to Dragon Mart we checked on the Burj Kalifa - it was still there...
At Dragon Mart - it's an indoor Chinatown that is about 1 ½ km in length with thousands of small shops.
Airconditioned, indoor and shopping galore...
There are different areas of shops, Textiles, Bags, Furniture, Jewelry, Nick-nacks and so on... We walked about 1/5 of the place and got tired. We found lots of crap but also alot of fun things... Maybe I'll show you later...
I'm hoping that we might have time to have another go at Dragon Mart - but I think it'll be hard.

On the way home, Andy drove and  we checked the Burj Kalifa again, and it was still there. The skyline is quite awesome and when you see it like this you realize quite how tall the Burj Kalifa really is. It's at least 3 times as high as most of the other buildings.
A close up... As close as one can get in a car on the high way...
Mai, her son Omar and her husband Waleed, followed us home and we made an Egyptian dinner. My Mom is great at cooking and when she makes Egyptian food it is always incredably good.

Betingan maley - fried eggplant with a garlicy tomato sauce.
Salata - salad with a dressing of vinegar and salt.
Batatis fill forn - Potatoes in the oven.
Lahmet Entrecote - Entrecote.
I don't really remember the name of these but it's puff pastry with ground beef inside.
Mahshi - Cabbage rolls filled with a rice and tomato mixture.
Wara Eenab - Grape leaf rolls with a rice and tomato mixture.

A very good day with shopping, friends, and spending time with family.

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Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .
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