Today we did absolutely nothing during the day, we didn't even go down to the beach... Andy and I have felt kind of sick to our stomachs and we have had a couple of days with no energy - so we spent yesterday in bed, reading books and just relaxing - I got some "overdue" blogging done, which was good. And since the weather was quite chilly, windy and not sunny we decided to skip the beach altogether...
Then my Dad called from work and asked if we were up to going to Atlantis for dinner. And of course we were. I've been longing to visit Atlantis hotel since they opened and finally yesterday I had my chance. Atlantis is a 5 star hotel situated on the top of the Palm Jumeirah, with an underwater theme that would make any ones imagination soar.
We booked a table at Saffron and boy we had a really great time. It was really enjoyable to eat great food, enjoy the company of my family and laugh till our tummies hurt. I'd love to go back to the hotel to just take pictures and I hope we'll have the time before we leave (in 3 days, argh)...
I did take lots of pictures on the food and from the restaurant but those will come later when I've gone through them all.
Thanks Mom and Dad for a very memorable evening at a truly magical place!
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Dubai, Atlantis Hotel, Atlantis, Palm Jumeirah, Jumeirah Palm, Saffron
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