söndag 26 december 2010

Dubai 2010 - Day 6

The day after Christmas Eve or Christmas Day - is always a day of relaxation for us. One wakes up late, we don't really have to make a big deal out of anything. Breakfast in the balcony and just regular lazy-ing about... People play, read, use their Christmas presents and we play games - as much as possible. After breakfast we played another game of Perudo.

Then Mom was of to work and the rest of us, Dad, Little brother, Andy and I got into the car and decided to take a drive around Dubai and see if we could find something fun to do. Firstly we drove out to Dads office so that we could see where he works.
 Then we took The Emirates Road to see some camels. We are not sure what these camels are doing in these inclosed areas - but they are probably owned by someone and are used either for breeding or racing.
We drove towards Jebel Ali in search of the Jebel Ali Shooting Club where my Dad had planed that we would do some skeet shooting. First though we found the Jebel Ali Palm - or the construction of the Palm.
At the shooting club - and Andy was looked like a little kid in a toy store =) He loves skeet shooting and goes shooting almost every Saturday and Monday at home =) A really beautiful place that is part of Jebel Ali Golf Resort and Spa.
Little brother took a shooting lesson, but since Andy is pretty much an expert and Andy has taught me, we knew what to do. This was our instructor with our riffles, 2 trap riffles and 1 sporting riffle.
It's an awesome place and it has a beautiful set up with lots of wind towers as skeet shooters and benches and tables for on-lookers. This is Ahmed El Maktoums home field.
Andy and Little brother also tried the Sporting range where the doves came from all different directions. Both of them did really good. 
Little brother learning to shoot.
Andy getting off a clear shot at the dove and shattering it - all you see left is the dust cloud...
After spending some time at the shooting range, in the sunshine we decided to also visit the Jebel Ali Golf Club. We wanted to see if their deep sea fishing could be done even in the "winter" and also I wanted to see the peacocks on the golf course. But first we walked around the marina... Only small boats here =)
The golf course and unfortunetly I didn't get to see a single peacock. But it sure looked amazing - it even made me feel like playing a round of golf....
Then it was time to get out of the sun and make our way to The Mall of the Emirates to change some Christmas presents and just check some shops.
First we had something to drink at The Art Cafe - me and Little brother both had a Mint Lemonada - that unfortunetly tasted quite different. It was mostly minty and much to much mint... But it was probably very healthy with this toxic green color =)
When we got home it was time to start with dinner - it was to be left overs from the Christmas smörgåsbord. As you saw yesterday, there was quite a variety of food, and we hadn't tasted all of it any ways. So before Mom came back from work we had heated all the food and then we sat down for our second Christmas smörgåsbord. 

After dinner I didn't feel well at all so I went to bed... And apparently slept all though the night...

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