I choose: Metallica
Are you male or female: Eye of the Beholder
Describe yourself: Master of Puppets
How do some people feel about you: Fixxxer
How do you feel about yourself: Trapped under Ice
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Leper Messiah
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Prince Charming
Describe your friends: Ain’t my bitch
Describe where you want to be: Wherever I May Roam
Describe what you want to be: Hero of the Day
What do you hate: Dirty Window
Why: The Unnamed Feeling
When are you happy: The Ecstasy of Gold
When are you sad: Bleeding Me
Describe how you live: No Remorse
Describe how you love: Through the Never
Share a few words of wisdom: Don’t Tread on Me
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .