tisdag 24 augusti 2010

Gotland 2010 - day 19

Since the ferry left Gotland at 07.05 a.m. it was a early morning for us. Unfortunetly the ferry-ride wasn't of the quiet sort, so we couldn't sleep. But we did have time to read. Breakfast was eated at the boat, from the boat resturant.

On the way back "home" house #2, we stopped of at house #1 to check on little brother and the house. Then we drove down towards house #2, via Max in Nyköping for some lunch.

Once back home, we emptied the RV quickly - as quickly as we could and I'm amazed at how much crap we had with us - it's insane!

We've had a really great trip, amazing, but it is nice to be home - although I can't wait until we go back to Gotland!

I love it there... <3

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