måndag 16 augusti 2010


We're not really in the mood today, partially because all of the rain and lightning & thunder, so we're stopping of for pizza at Kvänni Pizza & Mat in Fårösund.

When we got to the resturant they had no power, due to a power cut probably caused by the weather, so we were just about to leave, slightly saddened, when they got their power back and promised pizza in about 30 min.

As always in Sweden, your always served Pizza salad with your Pizza. Pizza salad is pretty much shredded cabbage with a vinegar, oil, pepper and salt dressing. Mostly very yummy, this one was one of the better ones I've had.
My Mexicana pizza with ground beef, taco seasoned, with onions, red bell peppers and pfefferonis.
And Andy's Appollo Special with mushrooms, shrimp, file of pork and Bearnaise sauce (yes Swedish pizza might have strange ingrdients).

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