Sportgrodor kan vara riktigt kul ibland. Kanske inte alltid lika kul för icke-sportintressearade men ändå.
Här kommer mina favoriter:
"Han är 3 1/2 meter lång... jag överdriver inte. Alltså, han är drygt 2 meter lång!"
Göran Zachrisson
"Det är ovanligt att golfspelare kommer ifrån London. Där finns ju så mycket annat att göra som t.ex. äta hamburgare."
Göran Zachrisson
"Det ser mörkt ut på Kameruns avbytarbänk..."
Arne Hegerfors
"Och här ser ni Krutov, med ett ansikte endast en mor kan älska."
Arne Hegerfors
"Do you have what we in Sweden call a skiftnyckel?"
Lennart Bergelin
"You can't be serious. Are we gonna play in a town in the north of Sweden called 'She left you'?..."
Lettisk kommentator
tisdag 30 september 2008
The name game
first pet & current car
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: Cookie Dough Chocolate Chip
fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: K-Eck
first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name
favorite color, favorite animal
middle name, city where you were born
the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first
7. SUPERHERO NAME: The Black Tequila
”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink
8. NASCAR NAME: Ann-Marie Karl Erik or Dodo Kamel
the first names of your grandfathers
9. STRIPPER NAME: Pink Reeses
the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy
10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (My mom doesn't have a middle name) Erik
mother’s & father’s middle names
11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: Svensson (Not sure that's Alfs last name?) Stockholm
Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter
your favorite season/holiday, flower
13. CARTOON NAME: Mango Cardiganie
favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”
14. HIPPY NAME: Egg Cherry Blossom
What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree
15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: The Photography Fire Tour
”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”
Haha, I love Eckka and Magda Cairo, Baby Pink Shark, The black Tequila, Dodo Kamel, Pink Reeses and Mango Cardiganie. Now you try it ;-)
first pet & current car
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: Cookie Dough Chocolate Chip
fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: K-Eck
first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name
favorite color, favorite animal
middle name, city where you were born
the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first
7. SUPERHERO NAME: The Black Tequila
”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink
8. NASCAR NAME: Ann-Marie Karl Erik or Dodo Kamel
the first names of your grandfathers
9. STRIPPER NAME: Pink Reeses
the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy
10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (My mom doesn't have a middle name) Erik
mother’s & father’s middle names
11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: Svensson (Not sure that's Alfs last name?) Stockholm
Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter
your favorite season/holiday, flower
13. CARTOON NAME: Mango Cardiganie
favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”
14. HIPPY NAME: Egg Cherry Blossom
What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree
15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: The Photography Fire Tour
”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”
Haha, I love Eckka and Magda Cairo, Baby Pink Shark, The black Tequila, Dodo Kamel, Pink Reeses and Mango Cardiganie. Now you try it ;-)
torsdag 25 september 2008
Sick for kids
Om jag hade ett barn som ville ha en sån här leksak så skulle jag nog allvarligt fundera på att skicka ungen på "boot camp". Jag tycker det är väldigt creepy att ha ett pandahuvud på väggen, jag skulle nog få mardrömmar om jag hade en sån i mitt rum. Vilket freak kom på en sån här leksak/dekoration? Har dom inte fattat att barn inte är "små-sadistiska-jägare" eller det är kanske det dom är? Det finns i alla fall massor av olika djur om nu någon skulle tycka om dem på SagoPalatset. Scary scary scary...
If I had a kid that seriously wanted one of these toys in their room, I'd seriously consider sending their butts to Boot Camp. I think it would be quite creepy to have a stuffed panda head on your wall. But I think all stuffed animals on walls are creepy. I'd get serious nightmares if I had one in my room. I don't really know what kind of a freak thinks this is a good idea for a child. It's kinda sadistic... If you are interested, SagoPalatset have a bunch... Scary...
If I had a kid that seriously wanted one of these toys in their room, I'd seriously consider sending their butts to Boot Camp. I think it would be quite creepy to have a stuffed panda head on your wall. But I think all stuffed animals on walls are creepy. I'd get serious nightmares if I had one in my room. I don't really know what kind of a freak thinks this is a good idea for a child. It's kinda sadistic... If you are interested, SagoPalatset have a bunch... Scary...
onsdag 24 september 2008
Little food for little folks

Anagram för Karoleen/Anagrams for Karoleen
Ingen av dem uttrycker något som man kan använda... / None of them really make sence.
Ingen av dem uttrycker något som man kan använda... / None of them really make sence.

Mors lilla dator
Mors lilla dator åt skogen gick,
mitt i programmet sade det klick
svart bidde skärmen och minnet försvann,
den informationen kan ingen få fram.
Brummeli-brum vad brummar där?
Det sprakar och gnistrar, ett jordfel det är!
Blixtar blå från burken det slå,
synd att jag här nu ensam stå.
Hyscheli-hysch vad prasslar här?
fram väller pappret ur printern där!
Den har fått nippran av tecken så små,
jag tror att jag snart hemåt skall gå.
Datanörden i mig bara lyser av glädje :)
mitt i programmet sade det klick
svart bidde skärmen och minnet försvann,
den informationen kan ingen få fram.
Brummeli-brum vad brummar där?
Det sprakar och gnistrar, ett jordfel det är!
Blixtar blå från burken det slå,
synd att jag här nu ensam stå.
Hyscheli-hysch vad prasslar här?
fram väller pappret ur printern där!
Den har fått nippran av tecken så små,
jag tror att jag snart hemåt skall gå.
Datanörden i mig bara lyser av glädje :)
Shiny new buttons

When I was visiting dECORs webpage I found these wonderful knobs or drawer pulls from Susan Goldstick. Her homepage is a place of wonderful color and shape and just makes you want everything there. The furniture on the homepage might not exactly be my style or just a bit too colorful for me. But the knobs are just too cool and just right on less colorful furniture. I have a chest of drawers that was my grandparents, that would need a new coat of paint and some cute knobs. I'd pretty much love any one of the knobs on Susans site. But I'd like to know what color tone that the rest of the room would have. I really like these knobs though. The cost of 20 USD just feels slightly high but might be worth it if we buy only a couple.
Det är aldrig något positivt att se en Anticimex bil på parkering hos en Pizzeria kl 11:02 en torsdagsförmiddag. Det är bara lite för tidigit för lunch...
It is never something positive to see an Anticimex ( An Swedish exterminator company) car on the parkinglot of a Pizzeria, at 11 am a thursday. It's just slightly too early for lunch...
It is never something positive to see an Anticimex ( An Swedish exterminator company) car on the parkinglot of a Pizzeria, at 11 am a thursday. It's just slightly too early for lunch...
måndag 22 september 2008
Twirling Spaghetti Fork

Eating Pasta Has Never Been Easier - or More Fun!
Who doesn't love pasta? I mean we have all seen "The Lady and the Tramp" and we have all felt the want to share such a wonderful experience with someone we love. Spaghetti always makes me all dreamy eyed and lovestruck. A nice bowl of spaghetti, some white wine and someone you love... It is almost the most wonderful date food and makes great seduction food - at least to me...
However the manufacturers of the Twirling Spaghetti Fork have removed all that is holy about spaghetti. The fork is a mockery to all that I love about food - it is for lazy, dumb people who don't understand the wonderfullness (yeah, I know that ain't a word) of spaghetti.
"Twirling is a better way to eat spaghetti and the motorized fork automatically winds up the pasta on the end of the fork! Now there's less mess, more satisfying bites and 100% twirling fun."
To be absolutly fair, I did find this at the kids section of The Perpetual Kid - thier moto being "entertain your inner child" - so maybe it is not really for grown ups, but for children... but still...
And it is definetly something that only can be used for spaghetti and possibly to twine yarn or something...
söndag 21 september 2008
Black and White
Jag tycker det är rätt häftigt med griffeltavlor. Klottra råkar vara något som jag brukar göra en hel del, det vore så kul att kunna göra det på en större skala dock. Så jag funderar på om man skulle kunna måla en dörr eller en hel vägg kankse med griffeltavelfärg och så kan man ha massor med kritor liggande runtom så kan vem som helst kladda lite. Jag tror att det kan vara rätt kul på en fest, folk skriver lite kul och så kan man ha det kvar där tills nästa gång :) Det är ju lite samma effekt som kylskåpspoesi brukar ha på fester, det finns alltid något roligt att läsa morgonen efter festen, då nån gäst har skrivit roliga saker.
Hm...undrar om det är lätt att få tag i griffeltavelfärg. Antar att min föräldrar eller Adde's föräldrar skulle uppskatta det. Men det är ju faktist ett par år tills dom kommer hem ;-)
I think it is quite cool with blackboards. I usually doodle quite a bit when talking on the phone or when I'm thinking. I love art made out of words and doodles. I think the doodles would be really great on a big scale. Therefore why couldn't you for example paint a wall or a door with blackboard paint. And then let chalk or chalk-pens lay around the house for everyone and/or anyone can doodle. It would be a great thing for a party and then leave for the next time ;-) People always have alot to say at parties.
The only problem is how to find the paint. And then I guess paining anything in the houses we are living isn't really an option right now. I don't think either my parent or my parents-in-law would appreciate. But they won't know til they get back from abroad ;-). Haha...
Photo: Granit
Hm...undrar om det är lätt att få tag i griffeltavelfärg. Antar att min föräldrar eller Adde's föräldrar skulle uppskatta det. Men det är ju faktist ett par år tills dom kommer hem ;-)
I think it is quite cool with blackboards. I usually doodle quite a bit when talking on the phone or when I'm thinking. I love art made out of words and doodles. I think the doodles would be really great on a big scale. Therefore why couldn't you for example paint a wall or a door with blackboard paint. And then let chalk or chalk-pens lay around the house for everyone and/or anyone can doodle. It would be a great thing for a party and then leave for the next time ;-) People always have alot to say at parties.
The only problem is how to find the paint. And then I guess paining anything in the houses we are living isn't really an option right now. I don't think either my parent or my parents-in-law would appreciate. But they won't know til they get back from abroad ;-). Haha...
Photo: Granit
lördag 20 september 2008
Only in Russia
fredag 19 september 2008
My future house
Kan ni tänka er hur häftigt det vore att ha ett hus såhär? Varje "husvagn" är ett rum och för att komma från ett rum till ett annat springer man upp och ner för trappor. Jag tycker det vore grymt läckert - förutom när det regnar så klart. Man måste nog bo på ett ställe där det inte regnar så mycket annars kan det bli lite problematiskt. Dom har ju till och med en söt liten trädgård och pool. Jag tycker det är grymt coolt. I och för sig får det ju inte vara ett ställe som har jordskalv heller för då kommer man nog inte ha så många av rummen kvar på rätt plats tillslut. Tänk att ha det grå/svarta "rummet" som sovrum, det turkosa som TV rum, det gula som kök, det blåa som arbetsrum. Det oranga som badrum och det röda som vardagsrum och matsal. Det gröna vid sidan av skulle kunna vara ett gästrum. Fan helt brilliant!
Do you know how cool it would be to have this as your home. Every trailor would be it's own woom and to get from one room to the next you would have to run up and down the stairs. Granted living in a rainy place might cause some problems, but if you set your home up where it doesn't rain or just rains slightly it should all be good right? It has a cute garden and a pool. Okay, another problem might be setting up in a earthquake region, but it's all about the pre-planing stages right. The grey/black "room" could be the bedroom, the turquoise the den and the yellow one the kitchen. The blue one could be the office, the orange one the bathroom and then the red one being the livingroom and diningroom. The green one on the corner could be the guestroom. It would rock!
torsdag 18 september 2008
Har hängt en hel del på Inreda. Dom har väldigt mycket trevligt där. Tyvärr kan jag inte köpa något eftersom det inte riktigt går ihop med våran "hus situation" - 2 hus, var av inget är "vårt". Men när jag blir stor, stark och rik så kommer jag inreda mitt och Addes hus jättefint. Vi kommer få det väldigt vackert.
I've been visiting the webshop quite a bit lately and they do have quite a few lovely details. Unfortunetly beacause of our houseing situation - we can't really start decorating our house I won't be buying any of it. But when we have a real house our house is going to be cool. Maybe some of these pieces might have a home there...
Grejen man måste tänka på är att man inte bara ska ha en stil, utan det bästa när man ska inreda är att man ska ha både nya och gamla saker, både moderna och klassiska, både små och stora, både favoritprylar och fina presenter, både lite tacky och stilrent... Man måste blanda och göra inredningen sin egen, man ska inreda på ett personligt sätt, man ska inte bo i ett hus som ser ut som en IKEA eller MIO -katalog men man ska ta bitar och detaljer från överallt. Inredningen ska visa personlighet.
The thing with design, I think, is that shouldn't just have one stile, you should have your own style. Mixing and matching from all parts of life and things that you think are nice. Just mix and match and don't copy straight from a magazine. Your interiour design should show your personality.
Här är vissa fina inredningsdetaljer och småsaker som jag skulle kunna tänka mig ha i mitt hem.
These are some cool details that I think are quite cute and cool.
När man har ett "riktigt" hem tycker jag att man borde ha en fin vattenkokare , som man ställer på plattan och som tjuter när vattnet kokar. Speciellt när den är så här fin och rosa. Om man nu inte tycker om rosa så finns det andra färger.
I think to be able to make a good cup of tea you need one of those pots that go on the stove and whistles. And being pink doesn't hurt...
Rosta bröd gör man ju ganska ofta. Och oftast är man ju ganksa groggy på morgonen men om jag hade haft en sån gullig barbapappa brödrost som den här så skulle jag garanterat bli lite lite lite lite lite bättre på att äta frukost. Om det nu skulle vara så att jag inte vill rosa bröd så kan man ju alltid rosta Poptarts *mums* eller köpa en sån där påse som man kan tilllaga vad som helst i brödrosten. Den passar ju bra med vattenkokaren också. Rosa :)
Making good toast is something we all need in the morning. Warm toast with butter and jam - can it get better. Okay, I'm not sure if you guys know who Barbapapa is but the whole Barba family is quite a big deal in Sweden. Anyways a toaster with Barbapapa would make my morning. And if you don't make toast you can always roast poptarts - dear lord - give me... Pink :)
Kakburkar är ett måste i ett "riktigt" hem. Man måste ju ha någonstans att förvara dom dussintals kakorna som ska bakas varje dag. Mmm...och med tanke på hur otroligt husmorlig jag är så kommer jag att baka minst 4 olika sorters kakor varje dag ;) måste nog ha många olika kakburkar för att kunna kalla sig själv riktig husmor och då är det ju roligast om dom är olika. Det kommer bli massor med chocolate chip cookies, bruna bröd, havrekakor, kanelkakor och massor av andra godsaker.
Ok, cookie jars are a must in a home, right? All the amazing cookies that are going to be baked everywhere need a place to live. And knowing myself - there will be alot of cookies baked ;). Lots of cans with different designs with chocolate chip cookies, short breads and lots of other goodies.
Tillbringare är något man måste ha, om bara för att använda för att ha vatten på bordet. Den här hade ju ett fint mönster till och med och sånt gör ju en glad. En vardagsmiddag kan bli så mycket finare och mysigare bara man har några fina dukningsdetaljer, fina tillbringare, servetter och ljus.
We all need pitchers, even if just to have some water on the table. I love the fact that this pitcher is colorful and has a nice pattern. A weekday dinner can be so much more by just adding a few details such as a nice pitcher, napkins and candles.
Den här matlådan är ju underbar. Den kommer ju egentligen från Kina, eller rättare sagt så är det så här dom "gamla" kinesiska matlådorna såg ut. Man lägger alltså olika delar av maten i de olika facken. Man kan t.ex. ha ris i ett fack, wokade grönsaker i den andra och stekt kyckling i den tredje. Tanken är väl att det inte är en matlåda för enbart en person utan för flera stycken. Kanske lite otymplig att ha i kylen, men det vore bra snyggt. Om man ska på en pick-nick då vore den perfekt. Hm...kankse en investering för vårens alla pick-nickar, lagom till Valborg kankse?
I love this lunchbox - it just makes eating brought lunches so much more fun. This lunchbox is inspired by the old chinese food tins wherenby you use each layer for different foods. For example rice in one, chicken in one and woked veggies in the third. These lunchboxes aren't made for one person but for a family. Might be quite difficult to fit in the fridge but might be fun for the future pique-niques.
Jag tycker inte man kan få nog av ljuslyktor. Det finns massor med fina och man kan till och med göra sina egna. Antigen att man ställer flera stycken i en grupp eller att man ställer dem var för sig bildar lite olika sorters ljus. Man kan alltid ha många ljuslyktor, det är nästan så att man inte kan ha för många. Det är väldigt fint och ganksa romantiskt att ha många ljuskällor i ett nedsläkt rum. Så mitt hus kommer ha många ljuskällor.
I don't think that you can have too many candle votives. There are a gazillion beautiful ones and I think they make any room, table, decoration just a bit more... These votives are just lovely.
Dom här fotpallarna är gjorda i betong som värms upp av glödlamporna, så dom är både lite coola och uppvärmande. Samtidigt som dom kan lysa upp dom mörka kvällarna. Värmande fotpallarna är fantastiskt, det är nog en av dom absolut smartaste uppfinningarna någonsin. Det är mycket möjligt att mitt hem kommer att ha något liknande. Fotpallar är nämligen väldigt trevliga när det är kallt och ruggigt och man har kalla golv.
These footrests are made out of concrete and are heated by lightbulbs so the idea is really cool as well as heating. It could heat up any dark night. These have got to be the smartest invention ever especially for me who is sooooo frozen all the time.
När jag var liten hoppade jag alltid på K brunnar, det gjorde väl i och för sig alla småflickor. Alla ville ju se till att dom skulle få så mycket KÄRLEK som möjligt. Desto mer brunnar man hoppad på desto mycket mer kärlek man kommer ha i sitt liv. Jag måste ha gjort ett bra jobb eftersom jag har mycket kärlek i mitt liv =). Den här badrumsmattan är faktist mycket gulligare än alla andra mattorna.
The manhole covers in Sweden have different letters on them, such as K and S. I'm not exaktly what they stand for but when we were kids we used to say that K stood for Kärlek - which is Love. And therefore if you jumped on them you'd have luck in love. This is a bathroom rug which you can jump om every morning.
När jag får småttingar så skulle jag tycka det var väldigt gulligt att ha sånna här krokar till dom. Mammor och pappor brukar ju ha sina egna krokar och då tycker jag att lill-Adde eller lill-Karro borde få ha sin egen krok. Om inte en handuk så kan man ju hänga upp deras små über-söta tröjor eller nåt.
When I have kids I'd like to have these little hooks for them. Moms and dads have hooks to hang their clothes on so why shouldn't Tiny-Andy or Tiny-Karoleen?
Ja som sagt så är jag lite av en drömmare, men om man inte drömmer om stjärnorna kan man heller inte nå trädtopparna...
So I'm a bit of a dreamer, but if you dream of the stars you might reach the tree tops...
I've been visiting the webshop quite a bit lately and they do have quite a few lovely details. Unfortunetly beacause of our houseing situation - we can't really start decorating our house I won't be buying any of it. But when we have a real house our house is going to be cool. Maybe some of these pieces might have a home there...
Grejen man måste tänka på är att man inte bara ska ha en stil, utan det bästa när man ska inreda är att man ska ha både nya och gamla saker, både moderna och klassiska, både små och stora, både favoritprylar och fina presenter, både lite tacky och stilrent... Man måste blanda och göra inredningen sin egen, man ska inreda på ett personligt sätt, man ska inte bo i ett hus som ser ut som en IKEA eller MIO -katalog men man ska ta bitar och detaljer från överallt. Inredningen ska visa personlighet.
The thing with design, I think, is that shouldn't just have one stile, you should have your own style. Mixing and matching from all parts of life and things that you think are nice. Just mix and match and don't copy straight from a magazine. Your interiour design should show your personality.
Här är vissa fina inredningsdetaljer och småsaker som jag skulle kunna tänka mig ha i mitt hem.
These are some cool details that I think are quite cute and cool.
När man har ett "riktigt" hem tycker jag att man borde ha en fin vattenkokare , som man ställer på plattan och som tjuter när vattnet kokar. Speciellt när den är så här fin och rosa. Om man nu inte tycker om rosa så finns det andra färger.
I think to be able to make a good cup of tea you need one of those pots that go on the stove and whistles. And being pink doesn't hurt...
Rosta bröd gör man ju ganska ofta. Och oftast är man ju ganksa groggy på morgonen men om jag hade haft en sån gullig barbapappa brödrost som den här så skulle jag garanterat bli lite lite lite lite lite bättre på att äta frukost. Om det nu skulle vara så att jag inte vill rosa bröd så kan man ju alltid rosta Poptarts *mums* eller köpa en sån där påse som man kan tilllaga vad som helst i brödrosten. Den passar ju bra med vattenkokaren också. Rosa :)
Making good toast is something we all need in the morning. Warm toast with butter and jam - can it get better. Okay, I'm not sure if you guys know who Barbapapa is but the whole Barba family is quite a big deal in Sweden. Anyways a toaster with Barbapapa would make my morning. And if you don't make toast you can always roast poptarts - dear lord - give me... Pink :)
Kakburkar är ett måste i ett "riktigt" hem. Man måste ju ha någonstans att förvara dom dussintals kakorna som ska bakas varje dag. Mmm...och med tanke på hur otroligt husmorlig jag är så kommer jag att baka minst 4 olika sorters kakor varje dag ;) måste nog ha många olika kakburkar för att kunna kalla sig själv riktig husmor och då är det ju roligast om dom är olika. Det kommer bli massor med chocolate chip cookies, bruna bröd, havrekakor, kanelkakor och massor av andra godsaker.
Ok, cookie jars are a must in a home, right? All the amazing cookies that are going to be baked everywhere need a place to live. And knowing myself - there will be alot of cookies baked ;). Lots of cans with different designs with chocolate chip cookies, short breads and lots of other goodies.
Tillbringare är något man måste ha, om bara för att använda för att ha vatten på bordet. Den här hade ju ett fint mönster till och med och sånt gör ju en glad. En vardagsmiddag kan bli så mycket finare och mysigare bara man har några fina dukningsdetaljer, fina tillbringare, servetter och ljus.
We all need pitchers, even if just to have some water on the table. I love the fact that this pitcher is colorful and has a nice pattern. A weekday dinner can be so much more by just adding a few details such as a nice pitcher, napkins and candles.
Den här matlådan är ju underbar. Den kommer ju egentligen från Kina, eller rättare sagt så är det så här dom "gamla" kinesiska matlådorna såg ut. Man lägger alltså olika delar av maten i de olika facken. Man kan t.ex. ha ris i ett fack, wokade grönsaker i den andra och stekt kyckling i den tredje. Tanken är väl att det inte är en matlåda för enbart en person utan för flera stycken. Kanske lite otymplig att ha i kylen, men det vore bra snyggt. Om man ska på en pick-nick då vore den perfekt. Hm...kankse en investering för vårens alla pick-nickar, lagom till Valborg kankse?
I love this lunchbox - it just makes eating brought lunches so much more fun. This lunchbox is inspired by the old chinese food tins wherenby you use each layer for different foods. For example rice in one, chicken in one and woked veggies in the third. These lunchboxes aren't made for one person but for a family. Might be quite difficult to fit in the fridge but might be fun for the future pique-niques.
Jag tycker inte man kan få nog av ljuslyktor. Det finns massor med fina och man kan till och med göra sina egna. Antigen att man ställer flera stycken i en grupp eller att man ställer dem var för sig bildar lite olika sorters ljus. Man kan alltid ha många ljuslyktor, det är nästan så att man inte kan ha för många. Det är väldigt fint och ganksa romantiskt att ha många ljuskällor i ett nedsläkt rum. Så mitt hus kommer ha många ljuskällor.
I don't think that you can have too many candle votives. There are a gazillion beautiful ones and I think they make any room, table, decoration just a bit more... These votives are just lovely.
Dom här fotpallarna är gjorda i betong som värms upp av glödlamporna, så dom är både lite coola och uppvärmande. Samtidigt som dom kan lysa upp dom mörka kvällarna. Värmande fotpallarna är fantastiskt, det är nog en av dom absolut smartaste uppfinningarna någonsin. Det är mycket möjligt att mitt hem kommer att ha något liknande. Fotpallar är nämligen väldigt trevliga när det är kallt och ruggigt och man har kalla golv.
These footrests are made out of concrete and are heated by lightbulbs so the idea is really cool as well as heating. It could heat up any dark night. These have got to be the smartest invention ever especially for me who is sooooo frozen all the time.
När jag var liten hoppade jag alltid på K brunnar, det gjorde väl i och för sig alla småflickor. Alla ville ju se till att dom skulle få så mycket KÄRLEK som möjligt. Desto mer brunnar man hoppad på desto mycket mer kärlek man kommer ha i sitt liv. Jag måste ha gjort ett bra jobb eftersom jag har mycket kärlek i mitt liv =). Den här badrumsmattan är faktist mycket gulligare än alla andra mattorna.
The manhole covers in Sweden have different letters on them, such as K and S. I'm not exaktly what they stand for but when we were kids we used to say that K stood for Kärlek - which is Love. And therefore if you jumped on them you'd have luck in love. This is a bathroom rug which you can jump om every morning.
När jag får småttingar så skulle jag tycka det var väldigt gulligt att ha sånna här krokar till dom. Mammor och pappor brukar ju ha sina egna krokar och då tycker jag att lill-Adde eller lill-Karro borde få ha sin egen krok. Om inte en handuk så kan man ju hänga upp deras små über-söta tröjor eller nåt.
When I have kids I'd like to have these little hooks for them. Moms and dads have hooks to hang their clothes on so why shouldn't Tiny-Andy or Tiny-Karoleen?
Ja som sagt så är jag lite av en drömmare, men om man inte drömmer om stjärnorna kan man heller inte nå trädtopparna...
So I'm a bit of a dreamer, but if you dream of the stars you might reach the tree tops...
Darts for the Boys
Läcker klädupphängning, ganska säker på att man skulle vara väldigt ensam med denna väldigt fiffiga och häftiga pryl. Perfekt för pojkvännens lya eller brorsans ungkarlslya. Undrar om man skulle kunna bara "sätta upp" dart pilar på väggen. Det lär ju inte funka om man har väggar som är gjorda i något annat än trä, eller?
These darts are just a really cool way of hangning the clothes. I think you would be pretty much alone to have them too. It would be a perfekt present for a boyfriend or for a brothers new pad. I wonder though if you can actually just use regular old darts in the wall - cause I guess it would only work if you have wodden walls.
Photo: SuckUK
These darts are just a really cool way of hangning the clothes. I think you would be pretty much alone to have them too. It would be a perfekt present for a boyfriend or for a brothers new pad. I wonder though if you can actually just use regular old darts in the wall - cause I guess it would only work if you have wodden walls.
Photo: SuckUK
Det här kylskåpet från SMEG, vill jag ha när jag blir stor...det är helt fantastiskt snyggt. Den här gamla stilen på rundade kylskåp är fint och så färgen, ja...den är underbar... Tyvärr passar det inte riktigt in i mitt och Andreas planerade kök men ändå. Jag älskar färgen och formen. Man kan ju drömma eller hur?
This lovely fridge from SMEG is something I'd love to have in my kitchen. Unfortunely it doens't really fit into our planned out kitchen. I love the color and the shape. But a girl can dream right?
This lovely fridge from SMEG is something I'd love to have in my kitchen. Unfortunely it doens't really fit into our planned out kitchen. I love the color and the shape. But a girl can dream right?
Smake är som baken

Sometimes you find different things on the internet, stuff that aren't really very nice or ugly. Just different. Some people might like this cat - but I might not...
Photo: Decorativehardwarestore.
Jag behöver verkligen en ny väckarklocka eller vad då ny, jag behöver en väckarklocka för jag/vi har ingen. Just nu använder vi mobilerna som väckarklockor och dom har ett sånt irriterande ljud. Visst man vaknar ju, men det vore ju så trevligt att kunna bli väckt av något som låter trevligt och ser söt ut. Min kompis C har (eller jag vet faktist inte om hon har kvar den) en jättesöt väckarklocka i ankform. Ankan, när det är dags kacklar, den är jättesöt. Har du kvar den C?
Den här söta väckarklockan kan jag tänka mig att ha. Men tyvärr tror jag inte att den låter som en apa när den ringer. Det hade varit perfekt.
I really need a alarm klock, cause right now we are using our cellphones as alarm klocks and they scare the shit out of me every morning. It would be nice to wake up to something that might be nice or fun to listen to. My friend C has a duck klock that quacks when it rings. It is really funny...
The monkey alarm klock would be fun. But I'm unsure if it makes monkey sounds, that would kick *ss.
Den här söta väckarklockan kan jag tänka mig att ha. Men tyvärr tror jag inte att den låter som en apa när den ringer. Det hade varit perfekt.
I really need a alarm klock, cause right now we are using our cellphones as alarm klocks and they scare the shit out of me every morning. It would be nice to wake up to something that might be nice or fun to listen to. My friend C has a duck klock that quacks when it rings. It is really funny...
The monkey alarm klock would be fun. But I'm unsure if it makes monkey sounds, that would kick *ss.
onsdag 17 september 2008
"Childhood och Vattenfall vill främja debatten om utsatta barn i världen. Därför ger vi dig möjlighet att kommentera alla inlägg i vår blogg - dessutom skänker Vattenfall 20 kronor för varje inlägg du gör i din egen blogg som länkar till Pengarna går oavkortat till Childhoods verksamhet. Använd gärna våra bilder på din blogg och tipsa dina vänner om detta."
Hjälp till du också, om bara 5000 bloggare gör det idag blir det 100 000 kr, länka till Uppdrag Barn du med.
Hjälp till du också, om bara 5000 bloggare gör det idag blir det 100 000 kr, länka till Uppdrag Barn du med.
En kopp med vaniljkaffe på morgonen borde ju göra vem som helst pigg och glad eller hur? Mmm... jag hoppas ju på det eftersom jag är grymt trött idag... grymt...
A cup of vanilla coffee should get any one of of bed, right? That's what I'm counting on, since I'm dead tired...
A cup of vanilla coffee should get any one of of bed, right? That's what I'm counting on, since I'm dead tired...
måndag 15 september 2008
Medicine cabinette
Ett sånt här skåp har jag önskat mig (att hitta) jättelänge. Jag tycker dom är så otroligt häftiga, med massor med små lådor och fack och sen är det oftast åtminstånde 1 eller 2 lönfack.
När jag bodde i Malaysia så köpte min mamma ett liknande skåp (visserligen var det koreanskt) och jag ångrar verkligen att jag vid 16 års ålder inte fattade hur fint ett sånt här skåp egenligen är.
Jag vill iofs inte riktigt ha den här storleken på skåpet, jag vill helst att den ska vara ca 1.80 m hög och kanske något smalare eller eventuellt ännu bredare (så att det blir massor av fler lådor).
Bilden kommer egentligen från Asia Furniture.
I'm totally in love with this Chinese medicine cabinet. I love the fact that they have a million drawers and a couple of secret compartments.
When I lived in Malaysia my mom bought 2 of these cabinets - although I think they might have been Korean not Chinese. I really regrett, that at the age of 12-16 I my interiour designing sucked big time. I just didn't get it...
I don't really want exactly this cabinet, I would rather it was about 6 feet tall and a bit thinner or even a bit wider. The bigger the more drawers.
Oh, can you just imagine all the fun stuff you can have in all the drawers. Me being a little nomad - bringing half my house when I leave my house.
Picture from Asia Furniture.
När jag bodde i Malaysia så köpte min mamma ett liknande skåp (visserligen var det koreanskt) och jag ångrar verkligen att jag vid 16 års ålder inte fattade hur fint ett sånt här skåp egenligen är.
Jag vill iofs inte riktigt ha den här storleken på skåpet, jag vill helst att den ska vara ca 1.80 m hög och kanske något smalare eller eventuellt ännu bredare (så att det blir massor av fler lådor).
Tänk vad mycket kul man skulle kunna lägga i dom där minilådorna....Jag som är ett vandrande apotek (iaf när det gäller huvudvärkstabletter och migränpreparat) skulle ju få plats med massor av piller och annat skojigt.
I'm totally in love with this Chinese medicine cabinet. I love the fact that they have a million drawers and a couple of secret compartments.
When I lived in Malaysia my mom bought 2 of these cabinets - although I think they might have been Korean not Chinese. I really regrett, that at the age of 12-16 I my interiour designing sucked big time. I just didn't get it...
I don't really want exactly this cabinet, I would rather it was about 6 feet tall and a bit thinner or even a bit wider. The bigger the more drawers.
Oh, can you just imagine all the fun stuff you can have in all the drawers. Me being a little nomad - bringing half my house when I leave my house.
Picture from Asia Furniture.
For the feetsees

Spa lights
Hittade dessa hos Design & Inredningsbloggen. Coola som bara den. Mycket smartare än att ha ljus runtom badkaret, om man tänker på brandrisken och så vidare. Dessa kan vara i badet, sitta på badkarskanten eller runt om i badrummet som mysbelysning. Finns i gröna, blåa och rosa. Jag skulle så klart välja dem rosa för att dom var så gosiga. Dom finns i 2-pack på Inreda och kostar 135 kr. Alltså relativt billiga och säkrare än ljus!
I found these at the blogg, Design & Inredningsbloggen. They are very cool. So much smarter than having candles along the bath because of the fire hazard. These can be put in the bath, under the water or around the bathroom, on the tiles, like cozy lighting. There are green, blue and pink ones and I obviously want the pink ones. You can buy a two pack in the web shop Inreda and cost 135 sek. Relativly cheap and less risky than candles.
I found these at the blogg, Design & Inredningsbloggen. They are very cool. So much smarter than having candles along the bath because of the fire hazard. These can be put in the bath, under the water or around the bathroom, on the tiles, like cozy lighting. There are green, blue and pink ones and I obviously want the pink ones. You can buy a two pack in the web shop Inreda and cost 135 sek. Relativly cheap and less risky than candles.
En stor kopp med rykande te är ett måste när man mår som jag gör idag. Halsen gör ont och är allmänt tjock. Undrar hur många tekoppar man måste dricka för att halsen ska bli bra?
A big cup of tea is what I need a day like today. My throat is killing me and feels really thick. I wonder how many cups of tea I need to make it all better?
A big cup of tea is what I need a day like today. My throat is killing me and feels really thick. I wonder how many cups of tea I need to make it all better?
söndag 14 september 2008

lördag 13 september 2008
I need a new Lunch box
There are lunchboxes and there are lunchboxes. Unfortunately the lunchboxes I have aren't really sufficient for my needs. As a girl you always have the problem of where to place your lunchbox. If you put it in your purse with all your other things, you always risk having your purse and all the stuff in it smelling like salad dressing or some other food. And I might like the food when I eat it, but I'm not sure I want to smell it all day and for the next month. Of course you can carry your lunchbox in a little bag on the side, but that kind of negates the point of having a huge purse, right?
And then you obviously have the option of having a cooling bag with you, like many Americans have, but that just ain't my cup of tea. When searching the net for smart things I found this Food thermos (that is what its called in Swedish anyways). Essentially it is a lunchbox with a heating or cooling containment capability. The food is kept warm for about 3-4 hours and if it cools it is just to reheat it in the microwave for a couple minutes. Also the inner bowl (removable) is 2 parts so you essentially can have 2 different foods or salad in one and food in the other. It costs 149 Kr, which is quite a bit more than you would pay for a lunchbox, but I definitely think it is worth it.
And then you obviously have the option of having a cooling bag with you, like many Americans have, but that just ain't my cup of tea. When searching the net for smart things I found this Food thermos (that is what its called in Swedish anyways). Essentially it is a lunchbox with a heating or cooling containment capability. The food is kept warm for about 3-4 hours and if it cools it is just to reheat it in the microwave for a couple minutes. Also the inner bowl (removable) is 2 parts so you essentially can have 2 different foods or salad in one and food in the other. It costs 149 Kr, which is quite a bit more than you would pay for a lunchbox, but I definitely think it is worth it.
Furniture for a future home...
I found lots of inspiration for a future home at Elfa. Elfa is a Scandinavian furniture company, started in 1947, and now is comprised of about 10 firms, delivering furniture all over the world. They seem to have perfected the idea about smart storage as well as elegance. When ever I walk into a house or a home I almost automatically try to find how the home owners have solved the never-ending question of storage. There is a true fact in the universe and that truth is that you always have to much crap. And to be able to make sure to hide all that crap you need to find a sort of smart and well-hidden storage. And to tell you the truth, it is pretty damn hard.
I'm usually a person that likes my house very none cluttery, you should see lots of the beautiful wooden floors of the house, see the cream colored walls and the minimalistic feel should stand out. The rooms should be airy, light and none cluttery. So the picture on the left is actually not really my cup of tea, but I kinda like it anyways. I like the fact that the bed is enclosed. It feels really cosy. And at the sa me time it creates lots of smart storage. I guess this is a very smart solution if you happened to have a small bedroom. It is just a little too cluttery for my taste.
When I have a house I will make sure that my kitchen has a "walk-in" pantry. A place where all the stuff that you don't really want or need to have on the kitchen counter, within arms length, can be stashed away. Of course this pantry should be equipped with lots of smart shelving. Something like the picture on the right would be a dream of mine.
As far as the bathroom is concerned , the bathroom is a place where you need lots and lots of storage. As a girl it isn't a big deal to have 10 perfume bottles, 8 body lotions and 532 thousand other product that are used anywhere from everyday to every other year. That's just the way it is, and trying to change it is just meaningless. Just live with it! So therefore it is quite smart to have a storage system as the picture on the left shows. A very smart drawer/basket system where you can see the content of each drawer/basket and you can have different sizes and lots of variation. Granted the system isn't pretty, but it is smart and easy. This might be one of those things that you have in a bathroom that usually only is used by the family (if you might have another bathroom for guests). Also hiding the system isn't to hard with some pretty fabric.
Lastly you can never have too much storage in your hallway. It's not very pretty to have shoes, gloves, jackets, hats and bags all over the floor and walls just as you enter your beautiful house. It doesn't really give the best of impressions. Therefore using a chest of drawers or a shelving system to stuff away things that aren't too pretty or just not fun to have around is pretty smart. I know that my parents had a shelf made for shoes, it was really flat, just so that 2 rows of shoes would fit and then you could pull the drawer out and see all of the shoes. Very smart. Also the storage system on the right is pretty smart, placing it on the door makes sure that you can close the door and not see the baskets also you don't need to clutter up the hall way with yet another piece of furniture.
Seriously visit Elfa's website, they have lots of great ideas for inspiration and even if you don't plan to buy anything via them you can always build your own.
I'm usually a person that likes my house very none cluttery, you should see lots of the beautiful wooden floors of the house, see the cream colored walls and the minimalistic feel should stand out. The rooms should be airy, light and none cluttery. So the picture on the left is actually not really my cup of tea, but I kinda like it anyways. I like the fact that the bed is enclosed. It feels really cosy. And at the sa me time it creates lots of smart storage. I guess this is a very smart solution if you happened to have a small bedroom. It is just a little too cluttery for my taste.
When I have a house I will make sure that my kitchen has a "walk-in" pantry. A place where all the stuff that you don't really want or need to have on the kitchen counter, within arms length, can be stashed away. Of course this pantry should be equipped with lots of smart shelving. Something like the picture on the right would be a dream of mine.
As far as the bathroom is concerned , the bathroom is a place where you need lots and lots of storage. As a girl it isn't a big deal to have 10 perfume bottles, 8 body lotions and 532 thousand other product that are used anywhere from everyday to every other year. That's just the way it is, and trying to change it is just meaningless. Just live with it! So therefore it is quite smart to have a storage system as the picture on the left shows. A very smart drawer/basket system where you can see the content of each drawer/basket and you can have different sizes and lots of variation. Granted the system isn't pretty, but it is smart and easy. This might be one of those things that you have in a bathroom that usually only is used by the family (if you might have another bathroom for guests). Also hiding the system isn't to hard with some pretty fabric.
Lastly you can never have too much storage in your hallway. It's not very pretty to have shoes, gloves, jackets, hats and bags all over the floor and walls just as you enter your beautiful house. It doesn't really give the best of impressions. Therefore using a chest of drawers or a shelving system to stuff away things that aren't too pretty or just not fun to have around is pretty smart. I know that my parents had a shelf made for shoes, it was really flat, just so that 2 rows of shoes would fit and then you could pull the drawer out and see all of the shoes. Very smart. Also the storage system on the right is pretty smart, placing it on the door makes sure that you can close the door and not see the baskets also you don't need to clutter up the hall way with yet another piece of furniture.
Seriously visit Elfa's website, they have lots of great ideas for inspiration and even if you don't plan to buy anything via them you can always build your own.
Mulberry Bayswater
I wish I had unlimited amounts of money, cause if I did I would buy a Mulberry Leather Bayswater bag. Look at it, it is amazing, I love the color of this soft leather, and it is one of those bags that will age gracefully. Its like Sofia and I talked about, when she bought a pair of lovely black leather Ecco boots, that good quality leather goods are an investment for future and for out children. The boots she bought are a perfect for her daughter when she is about our age. The more Sofia uses the boots the better they will become. It is the same with this Bayswater. The more it is used the softer the leather is going to be. I'd love to be able to give my daughter a present like this one when she turns 21. Except for the fact that I might be too fond of it so that I'll only let her borough it :) Anyways, if I only had unlimited amounts of money, I'd buy one of these, cause I sure as hell don't have € 805,38 laying around. But if I did I probably would buy a gorgeous Bayswater for me and future generations of Lindberg women.
torsdag 11 september 2008
Ikväll ska jag träffa min älskade C... det var länge sedan. Vi brukar kunna ha det mycket skojigt ihop...
I'm meeting up with my beautiful friend C tonight... It's been a while. We usually have a great time together...
I'm meeting up with my beautiful friend C tonight... It's been a while. We usually have a great time together...
onsdag 10 september 2008
Wacky Wednesday - Pizza Beer
Wacky Wednesday - bringing you the strange things out there...
Yes ladies and gentlemen... you saw it here... well probably not first... but maybe 3 or something ;)
An ale brewed with oregano, basil, tomato and garlic. It’s a decent brown style ale, with apparently only a hint of oregano and tomato taste, tasty with a slice of pizza according to Serious Eats. The beer would cost you, $1.99, which basically makes it impossible for you NOT to try it.
To make the Mamma Mia Pizza Beer, Chef Tom and Chef Athena, they actually bake a margarita pizza and throw it into the mash to steep, along with garlic, tomatoes, and spices.
I think it just kinda sounds gross - but if I ever see it - I'm pretty sure that I'd buy it.
*Wacky Wednesday brings you strange things in the world...
Yes ladies and gentlemen... you saw it here... well probably not first... but maybe 3 or something ;)
An ale brewed with oregano, basil, tomato and garlic. It’s a decent brown style ale, with apparently only a hint of oregano and tomato taste, tasty with a slice of pizza according to Serious Eats. The beer would cost you, $1.99, which basically makes it impossible for you NOT to try it.
To make the Mamma Mia Pizza Beer, Chef Tom and Chef Athena, they actually bake a margarita pizza and throw it into the mash to steep, along with garlic, tomatoes, and spices.
I think it just kinda sounds gross - but if I ever see it - I'm pretty sure that I'd buy it.
*Wacky Wednesday brings you strange things in the world...
tisdag 9 september 2008
Jimmy Choo
Dom här skorna från Jimmy Choo är så himla söta. Blå ballerinas, med små stjärnor. Så himla fina, jag vet inte riktigt hur mycket dom kostar, men jag kan tänka mig att dom kostar en del men det skulle nog vara värt pengarna.
Jimmy Choo är ju väldigt bra kvalite, och tydligen ska dom vara så sköna så att man inte ska behöva ta av sig dom när man sover.
Och dom här rosa är underbara. Jag skulle älska att ha ett par sånt. Hur snygga som helst till kjol och klänning. Sen kan man ju ha dem till jeans också. Jimmy Choo är min favorit skodesigner.
These shoes from Jimmy Choo are just way to cute. Blue ballerinas with small stars, amazingly cute and chique. I'm not sure what the price will be but they probably cost quite a bit. The quality in JImmy Choo's is amazing, aparently they are so comfortable that you could sleep in them.
And these pink darlings are just "yummy". I'd LOVE to own a pair. Just brilliant with wither a shirt, a dress or a pair of pants. They would go with anything! Jimmy Choo is definetly my favorite shoe designer.
Jimmy Choo är ju väldigt bra kvalite, och tydligen ska dom vara så sköna så att man inte ska behöva ta av sig dom när man sover.
Och dom här rosa är underbara. Jag skulle älska att ha ett par sånt. Hur snygga som helst till kjol och klänning. Sen kan man ju ha dem till jeans också. Jimmy Choo är min favorit skodesigner.
These shoes from Jimmy Choo are just way to cute. Blue ballerinas with small stars, amazingly cute and chique. I'm not sure what the price will be but they probably cost quite a bit. The quality in JImmy Choo's is amazing, aparently they are so comfortable that you could sleep in them.
And these pink darlings are just "yummy". I'd LOVE to own a pair. Just brilliant with wither a shirt, a dress or a pair of pants. They would go with anything! Jimmy Choo is definetly my favorite shoe designer.
TisdagsTema: Humor
Dagens TisdagsTema är Humor. Och det är verkligen en jätteroligt tema. Jag hittade en bild som jag tyckte var väldigt roligt - det var det i alla fall när det hände. Hoppas inte min älskling Siro blir ledsen nu men... När vi var i Egypten för vårat bröllop var det ju ganska många förberedelse för att allt skulle ble så perfekt som möjligt. Vi fixade hår, naglar och diverse annat smärtsamt. När vi på kvällen kom hem från frissan så, när Siro skulle ta av sig strumporna hade strumporna fastnat i hennes nymålade tå-naglar. Detta hände typ mitt i natten och jag kan lova att vi skrattade, som besatta... Jag tror vi höll på i en 15 min, sen fnissade vi lite till ;-) Jag hade svårt att hålla kameran stadigt därför är bilden väldigt oskarp ;-) Som sagt hoppas inte Siro blir ledsen, utan påminns av det fantastist roliga.
TisdagsTema is a swedish community of photographers who every tuesday depict a specified theme in a photo. Todays theme happens to be Humor. This picture is taken in Egypt, after quite a few wedding preparations. After comming home from a manicure and pedicure Siro realized that her socks had stuck to the newly painted nailpolish on her toes. And it was really very amuzing at the time. I had a hard time holding the camera straight from laughing so much. I hope this picture doesn't make Siro sad, but reminds her of all the fun we had, and the lack of sleep ;-).
TisdagsTema is a swedish community of photographers who every tuesday depict a specified theme in a photo. Todays theme happens to be Humor. This picture is taken in Egypt, after quite a few wedding preparations. After comming home from a manicure and pedicure Siro realized that her socks had stuck to the newly painted nailpolish on her toes. And it was really very amuzing at the time. I had a hard time holding the camera straight from laughing so much. I hope this picture doesn't make Siro sad, but reminds her of all the fun we had, and the lack of sleep ;-).
Pottery Barn
The Pottery Barn has some amazing things that I'd love to have in a future home. Going through their online catalogue I realized I pretty much liked each "room" that they had set up. Doesn't this mean I should be institutionalized? Yeah, probably.
There were a couple of pieces and ideas that I really liked. And I thought I would share them with you. As you might realize I really like large dark wooded furniture, rather a very "cigar-room" feel than anything else. But at the same time I want white clean spaces and no clutter. So it is hard to combine these two styles, but I think Pottery Barn shows that it can be done, and not to difficulty.
For example this chest, Emmett Trunk, used as a coffee table, made in darkened birch wood. I love the rustic, "cigar-room" feel to it, and I think it goes very well with the white sofa in the background. The possibility to open the chest/trunk also makes it very interesting, 1. because of storage (Yes, I do love my storage) 2. For easy cleaning when company come with short notice, just shove everything into the trunk and it will look much cleaner. The chest will set you back about $699.
Another great coffee table is this, Charter Coffee Table, in solid mahogany wood with drawers for, yes you guessed it, smart storage :) I like the fact that it is very low and that it has this beautiful dark wood. The color is called Espresso stain, and that just makes me dream about this dark warm mully place where all the furniture is the same beautiful dark brown. Unfortunately this only has 7 drawers and not 14 as I would like it to have, meaning that you have drawers on both sides. This will also cost you $699.
This cabinet system, Miller Modular Storage, is truly an act of genius. I love the fact that there are several cubbies for different things, such as an x cubby for whine bottles. Very Cool! Obviously you can create the shelving system the way you want it. I love that the shelves are black, but obviously they would look great in some other dark wood. I'd love to have this shelving system in my dining room or in a kitchen, however if i would have it in a kitchen I wouldn't want it in a dark color, but I would like to have it in white. I want my kitchen white. Yeah, I have strange ideas I know :) The cupboards at the bottom are great also, but I would probably like to have some cupboards on up at the top too. You can never have too much storage you know :) Can be made in pine or birch and costs, as it is in the picture above, $7000.
As long as we are in the dining room, I'd like to show this beautiful dining room table, Fransisco Dining Table, a squared table in a black, mahogany or white wood. The table sits 8 people, but can be extended so that it will seat 12. I would like to have chairs similar to the ones on the picture or dark colored chairs, same color as the table obviously, with seats in leather, somewhat lighter than the wood. I would also like to that this table, in white, in the kitchen, with a kitchen sofa, it would be the perfect place to have a lovely country breakfast with that family. The table costs $999.
I'm sure all of you would like to have this furniture too :) Its pretty isn't it :)
There were a couple of pieces and ideas that I really liked. And I thought I would share them with you. As you might realize I really like large dark wooded furniture, rather a very "cigar-room" feel than anything else. But at the same time I want white clean spaces and no clutter. So it is hard to combine these two styles, but I think Pottery Barn shows that it can be done, and not to difficulty.
For example this chest, Emmett Trunk, used as a coffee table, made in darkened birch wood. I love the rustic, "cigar-room" feel to it, and I think it goes very well with the white sofa in the background. The possibility to open the chest/trunk also makes it very interesting, 1. because of storage (Yes, I do love my storage) 2. For easy cleaning when company come with short notice, just shove everything into the trunk and it will look much cleaner. The chest will set you back about $699.
Another great coffee table is this, Charter Coffee Table, in solid mahogany wood with drawers for, yes you guessed it, smart storage :) I like the fact that it is very low and that it has this beautiful dark wood. The color is called Espresso stain, and that just makes me dream about this dark warm mully place where all the furniture is the same beautiful dark brown. Unfortunately this only has 7 drawers and not 14 as I would like it to have, meaning that you have drawers on both sides. This will also cost you $699.
This cabinet system, Miller Modular Storage, is truly an act of genius. I love the fact that there are several cubbies for different things, such as an x cubby for whine bottles. Very Cool! Obviously you can create the shelving system the way you want it. I love that the shelves are black, but obviously they would look great in some other dark wood. I'd love to have this shelving system in my dining room or in a kitchen, however if i would have it in a kitchen I wouldn't want it in a dark color, but I would like to have it in white. I want my kitchen white. Yeah, I have strange ideas I know :) The cupboards at the bottom are great also, but I would probably like to have some cupboards on up at the top too. You can never have too much storage you know :) Can be made in pine or birch and costs, as it is in the picture above, $7000.
As long as we are in the dining room, I'd like to show this beautiful dining room table, Fransisco Dining Table, a squared table in a black, mahogany or white wood. The table sits 8 people, but can be extended so that it will seat 12. I would like to have chairs similar to the ones on the picture or dark colored chairs, same color as the table obviously, with seats in leather, somewhat lighter than the wood. I would also like to that this table, in white, in the kitchen, with a kitchen sofa, it would be the perfect place to have a lovely country breakfast with that family. The table costs $999.
I'm sure all of you would like to have this furniture too :) Its pretty isn't it :)
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