onsdag 29 juni 2011

Canada day 8

Ah, what a night. I needed sleep that is all that I can say. It felt like I couldn't fall asleep and slept kind of restless, but at the same time I must have slept for at least 6 hours. A late morning with breakfast on the terrace. Today we didn't have any plans at all which was nice. But at the same time we decided that we would go to Niagra Falls tomorrow so we had quite a bit of planning and booking to do in the morning. We decided on the hotel, Four Points by Sheraton in Niagra Falls, we decided on which road to take there, the northern side of St Lawrence, via Toronto, and which way to take back home, the American side, south of St Lawrence and lastly we decided that we were to meet up with Andy's Canadian friend Nathan from High School. So the first half of the day was pretty much a planning and thinking day.
Our hotel room in Niagra Falls, Canada. 
Andy's Mom suggested that we have lunch at Umi Sushi, which is somewhat of "our" restaurant here in Montreal and it is a tradition that we share with her to eat Sushi at least once when we see each other. In Sweden we always eat Sushi from Kikkobar (which has now closed) and in Montreal it is Umi Sushi. I LOVE the salad that they serve before the Sushi, it has a sesame seed dressing that is to DIE for! And the sushi is amazing too... so good... Last time we were here I believe we were at Umi three times, and it's one of the best sushi's I've eaten.  Ah I love this tradition!

After lunch Andy and I were going to make our way to town to look at a little toy. We were supposed to go to a couple of stores and then possibly check if they had an iPad 2 at the Apple store. Andy has been wanting one for a while now and we decided to check it out when we were here in Canada. We took the buss in to town and walked a couple of blocks from Rue University to Cresent St, to the Apple Store. It is HUGE! We walked inside and in about 2 minutes we had bought an iPad. But we had to wait for Andy's Dad to come and help us with the buy because of some tax issues, so we sat down at Starbucks in the corner and waited for him to come from the office. When he arrived we bought an iPad 2 and then made our way back to the office with him. Such a strange feeling to have a new Apple product in our hands...

We got home and we didn't do to much until it was time for dinner.Lots of checking with our little new toy called iDofdaa (iFrog), setting it up and making sure that we had all our stuff for our comming trip to Niagra Falls. Andy's Mom made her prawn, bell peppers and sugar snaps noodle-dish that is sooo tasty! It's really tasty!
For desert we had Strawberries, sponge cake and whipped cream. Very good!

Then we took an early night so that we'd be able to leave early in the morning. We needed to get going really early since it is an 7 hour and 20 minutes trip, without stopping. And since we both had planned stops, such as the Skydeck and Toronto to see Nathan, as well as unplanned stops...bathroom, lunch, geocaches... we really had to make an early start...

Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .
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