Day two in Baie St Paul. Oh my how the weather has changed. It's no longer a boring dull grey mess out there but a lovely sunny morning with so much potential. The bay looks brilliant in all of it's pride, it is really showing us it's glory today. It still isn't that warm, about 14 C, but I'm sure the temperature will rise soon enough.
I'm still kind of fun from yesterdays dinner, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all... =) But first we spent some time on the In-Laws balcony reading and just enjoying the sunshine. After a while we made it down to the dining room for breakfast.At breakfast there was a choice of 10 breakfast plates and 6 additions. All of the breakfast plates were served with fruits, toasted bread, jam, roasted potatoes and coffee/tea. No1: Rôtie/Breads, No2: Un oeuf au choix/One egg of choice, No3: Deux oeuf au choix/Two eggs of choice, No4: Un oeuf avec jambon ou bacon ou saucisse ou cretons/One egg with ham or bacon or sausages or pork spread with spices, No5: Deux oeuf avec jambon ou bacon ou saucisse ou cretons/Two egg with ham or bacon or sausages or pork spread with spices, No6: Pain dorè avec sirop d'èrable/French toast with Maple syrup, No7: Crêpes maison avec sirop d'érable/Pancakes with maple syrup, No8: Omelette au choix/Omelette of choice, No9: Ouef poché, fromage cottage, fruits frais/A poached egg with cottage cheese and fresh fruits, No10: Assiette Brunch/A brunch platter. The Additions were Jus d'orange ou pamplemousse/Orange juice or grapefruit juice, Fèves au lard/
Maple Baked Beans, Fromage Cheddar/Cheddar cheese, Extra Fruits/ Extra fruit, Céréales/Cereal, Extra Viande/Extra Meat.
I ordered the No4: Un oeuf avec bacon/One egg with bacon with coffee. Andy and his Dad took the same but with two eggs each and Andy's Mom took a ham omelet. Good food, nothing extraordinary but I liked the touch with the fruit. Fresh fruit is always nice.
After breakfast we checked out of the Inn and started our drive NE on Route 362 towards Malbaie and Port-au-Persil. Our first stop was at a rest stop on the other side of the bay, where we could look down upon the whole of Baie St Paul. It was really beautiful in the sunshine. We made sure to log a couple of geocaches on the road as well, such as Le Belvédère and Port-au-Persil.
Then it was about time to return back from whence we came so that we could spend some time in Quebec City, which we skipped due to the weather yesterday. But first we wanted to get some lunch. We tried places in Malbaie, but they were all closed, it was after all Monday... Then we went on and deceded to try the Golf Courses Restaurant, which are usually quite nice so we set of to the Fairmont le Manior Richelieu Golf Club. But they were also closed eventough they had a large open sign on the door. So we ended up south of Baie St Paul at the Restaurant Le Relais overlooking the Baie St Paul. The restaurant wasn't too big, but it did have a terrass where one could eat lunch and have an amazing view over the bay.
Me and My Mother-in-Law had the Trio burger and Andy and his Dad had the fish and Chips. Good food and a great view.
Then we returned back towards Quebec City. It took some time, but the traffic hadn't started yet so we were quite lucky. We followed Route 138 until we ended up in Quebec City. Quebec City is one of oldest cities in North America and the only remaining fortified wall left in North America (N of Mexico). We parked in Vieux Quebec/Old Quebec and started walking towards the Citadel, which is a so-called Star Fort, which are something that I'm very fascinated by... They intrigue me...
The view from up on the citadel towards the St Lawrence River and the port of the City of Quebec. What a beautiful day, no?
We walked around Vieux Quebec/Old Quebec and we all felt right at home. In Stockholm we have a a beautiful Old City and also in Visby, Gotland, where Andy and his parents have lived there is a great old city, which also happens to be fortified by a wall. We walked around in the old parts and looked at beautiful buildings and lots of great landscapes.
The old Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac is such a spectacular building, now a very famous hotel. Truly a marvel to look at with all it's spires and towers. It's such that fairy tales are made from...
We had coffee at Starbucks and walked around in the city some more. There was so many things to see and everyone has been telling us about the beuaty of Old Quebec and it's so true that it lovely with all of the old buildnings that they really have made sure to keep. The styling and the decorations, make you feel like you have traveled back in time...
The sun was beautiful, the weather warm, Quebec was truely magical, but it was time for us to make our way back home to Montreal. We didn't want to get caught in any traffic but we made our way back home via the scenic routes along the St Lawrence river. We stopped at McDonalds for some dinner and then made our way back home. A late night arrival, but well worth the time in the car...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at .
After breakfast we checked out of the Inn and started our drive NE on Route 362 towards Malbaie and Port-au-Persil. Our first stop was at a rest stop on the other side of the bay, where we could look down upon the whole of Baie St Paul. It was really beautiful in the sunshine. We made sure to log a couple of geocaches on the road as well, such as Le Belvédère and Port-au-Persil.
We took the road down to the water at Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive, where the roads were about 9 degrees decline, which was quite a bit on a road that twisted and turned all the time. At the bottom is a beautiful little quaint summer village, that would be a treat to live in. I'm sure it's filled in the summer time. After then we reconnected with the 362 towards Malbaie. Just before Malbaie we stopped at a little store, au Père d'Antoine, that sold cheeses, wines, and other specialties. Also there were some souvenirs. Then we went ontowards Malbaie, via Saint-Irene. In Malbaie there were some really impressive churches for such a small place. On the other side of the Malbaie bay we stopped at a rest stop for some photography. Luckily Andy's parents are just as wild as us when it comes to photography =)
We continued along the coastline towards Port-au-Persil. Such beautiful views from the tall cliffs along the St Lawrence river. The view was spectacular the whole way there. In Port-au-Persil, we took another little road towards the water, with winding curves and steep inclines and ended up at a beautiful waterfall. We did find this spot because of a geocach, which was kind of nice.Then it was about time to return back from whence we came so that we could spend some time in Quebec City, which we skipped due to the weather yesterday. But first we wanted to get some lunch. We tried places in Malbaie, but they were all closed, it was after all Monday... Then we went on and deceded to try the Golf Courses Restaurant, which are usually quite nice so we set of to the Fairmont le Manior Richelieu Golf Club. But they were also closed eventough they had a large open sign on the door. So we ended up south of Baie St Paul at the Restaurant Le Relais overlooking the Baie St Paul. The restaurant wasn't too big, but it did have a terrass where one could eat lunch and have an amazing view over the bay.
Me and My Mother-in-Law had the Trio burger and Andy and his Dad had the fish and Chips. Good food and a great view.
Then we returned back towards Quebec City. It took some time, but the traffic hadn't started yet so we were quite lucky. We followed Route 138 until we ended up in Quebec City. Quebec City is one of oldest cities in North America and the only remaining fortified wall left in North America (N of Mexico). We parked in Vieux Quebec/Old Quebec and started walking towards the Citadel, which is a so-called Star Fort, which are something that I'm very fascinated by... They intrigue me...
The view from up on the citadel towards the St Lawrence River and the port of the City of Quebec. What a beautiful day, no?
We walked around Vieux Quebec/Old Quebec and we all felt right at home. In Stockholm we have a a beautiful Old City and also in Visby, Gotland, where Andy and his parents have lived there is a great old city, which also happens to be fortified by a wall. We walked around in the old parts and looked at beautiful buildings and lots of great landscapes.
The old Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac is such a spectacular building, now a very famous hotel. Truly a marvel to look at with all it's spires and towers. It's such that fairy tales are made from...
We had coffee at Starbucks and walked around in the city some more. There was so many things to see and everyone has been telling us about the beuaty of Old Quebec and it's so true that it lovely with all of the old buildnings that they really have made sure to keep. The styling and the decorations, make you feel like you have traveled back in time...
The sun was beautiful, the weather warm, Quebec was truely magical, but it was time for us to make our way back home to Montreal. We didn't want to get caught in any traffic but we made our way back home via the scenic routes along the St Lawrence river. We stopped at McDonalds for some dinner and then made our way back home. A late night arrival, but well worth the time in the car...
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