tisdag 12 juli 2011

Canada day 20

Today is our last day in Canada. It's been such a great trip but as always way to short... But that's the way it has got to be. Tomorrow the movers are coming to the house to pack up all of my In-laws belongings and ship them back to Sweden. Thier 3 year stint in Canada is now over, it's hard for them I know, since Canada has been great to them... And to us... 

Today we're just going to hang around the house and pack, we've got lots of packing to do. Firstly we have to divide up all of our stuff to see what will come back with us in the luggage and what will go back to Sweden in the fright container. Secondly we have to pack our luggage and our hand luggages for the trip. So straight after breakfast it's on to packing and some other last minute stuff as loading pictures and say good bye to the house =)

The neighboors yard sale is still going strong so we might have to check if there are more things to put out there or see if there are any goodies to find in the sale? ;-) Hihi - yard sale bargains from Canada...

After a long morning with packing - and OH my god, we've bought all of Canada and then half of the US. Pictures later... It was time for lunch - Mashed potatoes, grilled salmon and shrimp and dill sauce. Very Yummy!
After lunch we continued on our packing and then when we were done we just did a last time check of the house and then it was about time to get going towards the air port and our trip back home to Stockholm via Paris.

After checking in at the air port we had coffee with my In-laws, just to spend some more time with them before we go back home and don't see them for a really long while, since they are taking a trip of a life time... to Alaska.

After heartfelt goodbyes, w made our way through the security and then on towards the gate, where our beautiful plane was waiting for us, an Airbus A-380. It's a very new kind of a plane that has two levels and is the worlds largest people carrier. For us Airplane nerds this was a big deal =)
Unfortnetly the trip didn't really end upp as we thought it would, we ended up sitting 3 hours in the plane before take of because of a problem with loading the luggage at the airport. So we pretty much just had to sitt there without having anything to do... Let's just say it wasn't the best way of starting a long flight...

Then when we got to Paris, we had missed our flight to Sweden and therfore had to be checked in to the next flight home. So we had to wait in Paris for 5 extra hours. GREAT. But they did give us complimentary meal tickets, but since the airport was FILLED to the BRIM we couldn't find a place to sit and eat our food. But we did eventually and spent lots of time at the airport with NOTHING to do...

When we boarded the flight to Stockholm, Andy and I were pretty tired and didn't realy feel like we needed any more crap... The flight to Stockholm was ok, nothing special. Actually a good one for the day we'd been having...

Landed in Stockholm and made our way towards the luggage belt. But low and behold, no LUGGAGE... Fot the Love of all that is Holy... This just made everything bad again...

We reported our luggage missing and then we made our way towards the exit and to Mom and Wilderbeast waiting for us outside... They were so kind to us, to come and pick us up... We made our way back home, 7 hours late, without luggage and but happy none the less...

Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .
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