onsdag 6 juli 2011

Canada day 15

Ah what a nights sleep! Excellent - I love these old houses with great nooks and cranies to investigate. And the view over the bay is breathtaking. An early morning with spectacular views from bed and just waiting for morning to come so that we could start this exciting day...

Breakfast served at the Inn is slightly special (maybe quite normal for Inns, but I haven't stayed at very many) there is a set buffé of cereal, muffins, fruits and various beverages... Lovely set up for the guests, and it makes you feel very welcome. 
We decided to sit outside in the glorious summer monrning sun. And just after 8 the staff comes around and asks if you would like the warm breakfast of the day, which changes from day to day... Today it was crazy eggs Benedict with roasted paprika. Choice of one or two was also avaliable...
A lovely breakfast and I really liked the twist with the roasted paprika...

After breakfast we packed up our stuff and then packed the car and set of towards the harbor for our whale watching experience. The boat was set to sail at 9 a.m. but at that time the sun was beating down on us hard. It was hot and we realized that we really had picked a great day for outdoor activity but we might be sun burned...

But we didn't really care cause we were really excited about the possibility of seeing whales. We had a great 3 hour ride and learned so much about the marine life and the archipelago outside Boothbay Harbor. We did find a couple of Minky whales and Sun fish but unfortunetly no bigger whales. But the trip was awesome non the less... But I'll put up more pictures from the SLR later...
Ah the sun really took it's toll on us - but since I really love the sun it was amazing. I loved the trip!

When we got back to the docks we decided to have lunch at McSeagulls, since we really liked it so much last night. Oh, my the menu could kill the best of us - the choices are endless and most of them sound BRILLIANT!

But yesterday I was thinking about taking the Seared Tuna with Wasabi Butter Sauce - Fresh yellow fin tuna is spice rubbed and pan seared rare to medium rare serves with wasabi butter sauce. Served with fries and asparagus. Oh my lord! No words can explain how good this is...
Andy ordered the lobster BLT served with fries.
And Andy's parents ordered the lobster roll with sweet potato fries.
After a beautiful lunch on the terrace under a tarp, we took a last trip around town and then start heading home. It is a long trip home, but with a couple of stops it would be shorter. It was going to be a beautiful days  to take a ride...
In Wayne, ME we stopped for an ice cream stop at Tubby's Ice Cream. They had beautiful homemade ice cream and had wierd flavors. But when I saw they had Peanut Butter flavor I just had to order it, ther wasn't really another option. And OH my - it was brilliant, it was like eating PB and that something that I love...
The road home was filled with such a beautiful landscape.... Rolling hills and beautiful sun sets. Such a great country...
We stopped of at Tom Hortons for dinner...
A lovely trip and such a great day...

Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .
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