Since I woke up with a fever and a headache from hell today, we decided to take it a bit easier and not really start our day off so early. Andy and his Dad went off in the morning to talk to the car dealership about selling the car. And that would take a good part of the morning so we weren't really in a rush.
When they came back we had made some coffee and stacked up on all the goodies in the pantry, since we need to empty it before the movers come and leave on Tuesday. 5 different kinds of cakes/cookies - it's good times =)
After coffee, Andy and I got ready for another day on the town. We rode in to town with Andy's Dad and started out walking from the office, through Gare Centrale towards Rue St Catherine and started with the Indigo book shop. We didn't really find to much there except the second part of my newest author Dan Waddell, Blood Atonment, and a book about Tutankhamon (you remember my love for all things Egypt).
Then we made our way down Rue St Catherine, towards Centre Eaton, and decided to have some lunch. We ate at Thai Express - our favorite since the last trip. Pad Sew chicken for me and shrimp for Andy. And we always tell them to make it extra spicy. Also an Emprial Roll is a must =) Yum!
After lunch countinued on and ended up in a couple of clothes stores and made some buys. Nothing special but at the same time it was good prices. Then we walked on towards FutureShop and then towards the Inuit-Tourist-shop to scout, since we are comming back here with Andy's Mom. We did find lovely coasters and some really cute rock sculptures that we have to think about. But Andy did buy me a beautiful set of jewelry, a native Inuit dream catcher set in silver, earrings and a necklace. It's beautiful! But I'll show you those later...We walked past some beautiful churches on our way...
We turned back towards town and had coffee at Second Cup right by La Baie. We relaxed our feet and I popped some pills, waiting on Andy's Dad to get ready. He was going to come with us to the Camera store to buy a new camera. We had borrowed Andy's Mom's camera, and since my camera is really acting up and it really on it's last leg we were thinking of buying a new one for a while... Andy's Moms camera is really good so we ended up deciding to buy it since they were having a price reduction on it...
Together we walked to the camera store and bought a Canon PowerShot S95, and then we walked back through town towards the office.
Montreal has a lot of great things for it's citizens for example they really want people to use public transportation and there fore offer people bikes, called Bixi, it does cost a small sum, that are located in lots of areas in the city. So you take the buss in to town, hop on a bike and bike to your job, park the bike in another bike-park (or anywhere else) and then you either take another bike back to the buss or the same one and park it. Smart huh?
The beautiful church, Cathédrale Marie-Riene-du-Monde, nesseled in between the tall buildings in the modern city of Montreal.
On a street corner we stopped of to buy some flowers for my Mother-in-law since it was her birthday tomorrow. I loved these sunflowers, I would have loved to bring them with me, but they were really huge. The brown-part (pestils?) were as big as Andy's hand. Beautiful!
Back home we relaxed and lit the fire. Spent lots of time outside in the sun set and Andy's Dad grilled. It was a beautiful evening, warm and really nice.
Grilled meat with oven roasted veggies and a mustard-sour-cream sauce. Very yummy!
And some Cambozola cheese with crackers and grapes for desert.
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