fredag 1 juli 2011

Canada day 11

Ah, after our really long drive from Niagra Falls yesterday, none of us were especially wired. We just wanted to sleep, for a really long time, but I guess our bodies didn't want the same, since we woke up quite early any ways. Today is Canada day, the national day of Canada, celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the British North America Act, which united three British colonies into a single country, called Canada. Originally called Dominion Day, the name was changed in 1982, the year that Canada gained full independence from the United Kingdom. We aren't quite sure how the day is celebrated here, but we are aware that it is a national holiday, which means that a lot of stores are closed. We thought we'd use today for some shopping, especially going to Canadian Tire and buying more Kitchen Aid products, but because of the holiday, we stayed home and the In-Laws had time to start thinking about what things they need to fix before the big move back home to Sweden in less than 2 weeks...
First off we had breakfast and then we pretty much just lounged around the house. Outside it was warm and sunny and the terrace was a beautiful spot to hand out if it hadn't been for the really load neighbors kids, swimming in the pool. We did some planing for our next trip, were going to the US tomorrow and staying there until the 5th of July, so we're spending 4th of July in Booth Bay Harbor in Maine. Which will be a nice experience!

Lunch on the terrace, in between emptying memory cards and charting routes on the gps and the iPad for the trip. Also we tried to help the In-Laws with their packing, but it's hard to help... It was beautiful outside in the sun...

Andy went to the store to make sure we had travel food for tomorrow as well as some stuff for dinner... And as he is the best husband ever, he brought me back something Yummy! Nostalgia again!

Then after a couple of hours in the sun and doing the things that had to be done, it was time for dinner. Andy's Mom had bought pepper steaks that we were to grill together with large portabello mushrooms, served with a cognac sauce. And served with it a lovely red wine. But first some Amuse-bouche of grissini with parma ham and basil and rye bread sandwiches with salmon. Very yummy!

The meat grilled to perfection, medium rare, by Andy's Dad...

Good night good folks, tomorrow is going to be another one of those long days... We're off to another adventure to the US!

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