We took the coastal road down towards Färjestaden, where the bridge is located, and firstly that meant going through the Bodakusten nature reserve. A really beautiful coast and next time we are here this is a place that we'd like to explore further.
Being us, we ofcourse stopped of at geocaches along the way. There were quite a few inside the nature reserve.
We also visited the Högby lighthouse. The Högby lighthouse was built 1987-98 and is still in use. However the land on which the lighthouse and the boarding house is located is owned by Swedish oil and akvarell painter Stephan Lundh. The whole property was just an amazing sight, with large wooden sailboats, canons and other very original features. And having your own lighthouse on the property isn't bad either. It did remind me of some Hitchcook movie though...
One of the next stops was the sight of one of Swedens most idiotic military projects, Föralinjen. An idea to devide Öland into two parts and sink one of the parts into the sea so that the "enemy" couldn't have it. =) It sounds like something out of "ze germans" but yes, it's true...

Then we went by Störlinge kvarnar, 7 windmills in a row and I love windmills, but at this point I was truely tired of the bloody fog. It seriously needed to lift...

Then we started our trip back home and lets just say that we were given ample time to view the bridge since we were pretty much driving 10 km/h since the trafik was so thick. Once in Kalmar, we had lunch at Burger King and then we went on our merry way home. And then we realized that the mainland had had the best Swedish weather in years, 30 C and sunshine, but over on Öland we hadn't seen the sun in 3 days. Nice weekend to miss, NOT ;-)

That was our first RV trip to Öland and we really did have a nice time, eventhough the weather wasn't nice. It was nice to just drive around and find beautiful spots to spend time. But we were both in agreement that Gotland is much nicer than Öland, but Öland was worth visiting. And next time we are going to visit the southern part of the island.
Bilderna på denna blogg tillhör mig och får ej spridas utan lov.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .
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