Nu är vi faktist på Gotland och jag har mått illa hela vägen hit. Jag älskar verklingen att åka båt! Eller verkligen inte... Åksjuketabletterna gjorde inte mycket nytta heller... Lagom glad är jag nu alltså...
Men snart ska vi äta lite mat och bli glada igen... för nu ska vi ha det trevligt på Gotland med Anna. Tjing!
We are on the island Gotland and I've been sick the whole way on the ferry. I really love going by boat! Or not.. The seasick pills didn't do me much good either... So I'm quite, Not happy right now... But soon we are going to get some food and be happy again... cause now we are going to have a nice time in Gotland with Anna. Later!
fredag 28 november 2008
The Weekend
Nu bär det av till Nynäsham för att åka färja till Gotland. Det ska bli väldigt roligt att träffa Anna igen samt njuta av Visby när det inte är så himla mycket turister över allt. Älsklingen kom hem kl 04 inatt, från Tyskland och vi har inte sovit så där jättemycket. Men vi är pigga och nästan helt krya - och förväntansfulla. Hoppas ni alla har en trevlig första advent! Troligtvis hörs vi inte förens nästa vecka. Ciao!!!
Oh föresten, jag tänkte bara tipsa om att jag har lagt upp massor med bilder på pashmina sjalar, som är till salu, på min hemsida. Gå gärna in där och kika... Hoppas ni hittar något fint eller en underbar julklapp.
We are off to Nynäshamn to take the ferry to Gotland. It's going to be great to see Anna again and enjoy Visby when it is not filled with summer tourists. My baby came home at 4 a.m. from Germany and we haven't slept that well. But we are awake and almost not sick but excited. I hope you all have a great first Advent! See you next week. Ciao!!!
Oh by the way, I just wanted to tell you all that I've uploaded pictures of my pashmina schals again, that are for sale, on my webpage. Please go in there and check them out... You might find something you like or a great Christmas present!
Oh föresten, jag tänkte bara tipsa om att jag har lagt upp massor med bilder på pashmina sjalar, som är till salu, på min hemsida. Gå gärna in där och kika... Hoppas ni hittar något fint eller en underbar julklapp.
We are off to Nynäshamn to take the ferry to Gotland. It's going to be great to see Anna again and enjoy Visby when it is not filled with summer tourists. My baby came home at 4 a.m. from Germany and we haven't slept that well. But we are awake and almost not sick but excited. I hope you all have a great first Advent! See you next week. Ciao!!!
Oh by the way, I just wanted to tell you all that I've uploaded pictures of my pashmina schals again, that are for sale, on my webpage. Please go in there and check them out... You might find something you like or a great Christmas present!
onsdag 26 november 2008
Nigella Express
Jag har fått många förfrågningar angående vad jag vill ha i julklapp och det är ju faktist inte helt lätt att komma på något. Nu när jag fyllde år för några veckor sedan kunde jag faktist inte komma på något som jag önskade mig. Inte en enda grej... Hur sorgligt eller osorgligt är det? Jag vet inte riktigt om det kanske är så att jag känner mig nöjd med det jag har eller om det är för att jag är så himla trött på att ha mängder med saker som vi inte använder som ligger i så kallade "loppis-lådor", som senare kommer att säljas på loppis när vi får tillfälle. Därmed tänkte jag vara lite smart och skriva en lista på lite saker som jag önskar mig, allt eftersom jag kommer på det. Dom kommer ligga i kategorin Dear Santa samt (om jag kommer ihåg) i listan Dear Santa längst upp till höger. Det första jag kommer på är Nigellas bok, Nigella Express, en kokbok om vardagsmåltider som är snabba och lätta att göra, Good Food Fast. Så, det är det första jag önskar mig, hoppas det hjälper i alla fall någon.
I've had several requests about what I would like as Christmas gifts and it's not actually that easy to know. When it was my birthday, just a couple of weeks ago, I actually couldn't tell you one single thing that I wanted. Not a thing... How sad or not sad is that? I'm not sure if it might be that I'm content with what I have or if it is because I feel fatigued by all of the things we have accumlulated in boxes, that we will in the future sell at a yard sale. So to be smart and kind, I'm going to write a list, a Dear Santa wishlist, like all children... ;-), when I think of something. You'll be able to find it under the Dear Santa category as well as the Dear Santa list at the top right hand corner. The first gift that comes to mind is the new Nigella Lawson book, Nigella Express, a cook book with Good Food Fast. I hope that helps someone....
I've had several requests about what I would like as Christmas gifts and it's not actually that easy to know. When it was my birthday, just a couple of weeks ago, I actually couldn't tell you one single thing that I wanted. Not a thing... How sad or not sad is that? I'm not sure if it might be that I'm content with what I have or if it is because I feel fatigued by all of the things we have accumlulated in boxes, that we will in the future sell at a yard sale. So to be smart and kind, I'm going to write a list, a Dear Santa wishlist, like all children... ;-), when I think of something. You'll be able to find it under the Dear Santa category as well as the Dear Santa list at the top right hand corner. The first gift that comes to mind is the new Nigella Lawson book, Nigella Express, a cook book with Good Food Fast. I hope that helps someone....
måndag 24 november 2008
Mono-Use Monday: Automated Ice Cream Cone
And it's Monday again...
This weeks product is an Automated Ice Cream Cone a totally automatic cone that makes ice cream eating easier since you don't have to "manually" spinn the cone or lick around the cone. Yep, it's insanely creepy how lazy you would have to be to want one of these. I guess it might be helpful when it comes too children but seriously what self respecting grown-up would use this? Oh, except maybe if you have a disability that restricts you to lick around your cone.
There isn't actually anything else to say, if you feel like owning one it'll cost you $12.99. I just don't want to know if you do...
lördag 22 november 2008

When planing a party there is always a questions about what to serve and how to serve. Should I be serving dinner or a mixer or just coffee? All senarios are good in their own way but as long as you have a plan it usually works. Something I don't like about mixers is the fact that you either have to eat on napkins or paper plates and sticky and every one spills everywhere. That's why these mini plates that you attach to your finger, so that you have the other hand free. I think they are brilliant. I unfortunetly know how to find them but the designer is Ken Goldman, can be found at Freds.
fredag 21 november 2008
Dual Pizza Oven
Alla gillar pizza, eller hur? Pizza är så underbart varierande och mättar bra. Det behöver inte alls vara så där flottigt och onyttigt som man får det på pizzerier eller resturang. Att göra egen pizza kan vara roligt, nyttigt och "bra matigt" beroende på vad man har på pizzan. Jag vill gärna ha en pizza sten som man kan använda påde i ugnen och på grillen. Men jag hittade något annat som kanske vore ett alternativ om det inte vore så att den BARA gräddar pizza, med tanke på mitt hat mot Mono-Use grejer. Dual Pizza Oven är en dubbelugn som gräddar "färsk" pizza på 90 sekunder. Hur det går till vet jag inte riktigt men det låter ju som en dröm. För 2050 kr kan den bli din.
Everyone likes pizza, right? Pizza have an endless possibility of toppings and it feeds well. It doesn't have to be as greasy as pizza parlors or resturants serve them. Making your own pizza can be fun, healthy and good eats depending on the topping. I'd love one of those pizza stones that you can have both in the oven and on the grill. But I did find somthing that might be another option to pizza baking if it weren't such a mono-use. The Dual Pizza Oven is a dubbel oven that bakes "fresh" pizza in 90 seconds. How it all works I'm not sure but it sounds like a dream. For $249 it can be yours.
Everyone likes pizza, right? Pizza have an endless possibility of toppings and it feeds well. It doesn't have to be as greasy as pizza parlors or resturants serve them. Making your own pizza can be fun, healthy and good eats depending on the topping. I'd love one of those pizza stones that you can have both in the oven and on the grill. But I did find somthing that might be another option to pizza baking if it weren't such a mono-use. The Dual Pizza Oven is a dubbel oven that bakes "fresh" pizza in 90 seconds. How it all works I'm not sure but it sounds like a dream. For $249 it can be yours.
torsdag 20 november 2008
Doftljus till den vanliga människan. Ölljus, brasljus, kaffeljus, softenerljus, gräsljus, hippieljus, ny bil doft, pannkakdoft, amerikanskfotbollsdoft, popcornsdoft, strippa doft och pissoardoft.
Scented candles for the laymen. The beer candle, the campfire candle, the coffee candle, the dryer sheet candle, the grass candle, the hippie candle, the new car candle, the pancake candle, the pigskin candle, the popcorn candle, the stripper candle och the urinal cake candle.
Scented candles for the laymen. The beer candle, the campfire candle, the coffee candle, the dryer sheet candle, the grass candle, the hippie candle, the new car candle, the pancake candle, the pigskin candle, the popcorn candle, the stripper candle och the urinal cake candle.
När jag bodde i korridor var en av de värsta grejerna att man var tvungen att dela kyl med 8 andra. Ibland fick man ha en egen hylla men för det mesta delade man hylla med andra. Det betydde ofta att man inte fick ha sina saker ifred och att maten bara kunde försvinna. Att kylskåpsdörren var öppen stup i kvarten var också ett stort problem. Det är svårt att förklara för någon som inte har levt ett korridorsliv. Men därför är detta kylskåpet, Electrolux Flatshare, helt genialiskt och något som jag tycker att alla korridorer borde skaffa. Ett fack för varje person, där man både har ett "högt" utrymme för mjölk och ett lågt för annat. Och behöver man mer utrymme är det bara att lägga till ett extra fack. Brilliant!
When I lived in a dorm one of the worst things was the sharing of the fridge with 8 others. Sometimes you werelucky and had your own shelf but most of the times you had to share with others. Which often ment you'r things weren't left alone and your food could misteriously disapear. And the fridge door being left open was a constant issue. It's hard to explain this problem for someone who hasn't lived in a dorm. However this compartmented fridge, Electrolux Flatshare, is genious and something I think should be obligatory for every dorm. A compartment for each person where you have both a "high" part for milk and a "low" part for other things. And if you need more space just add another compartment. Brilliant!
When I lived in a dorm one of the worst things was the sharing of the fridge with 8 others. Sometimes you werelucky and had your own shelf but most of the times you had to share with others. Which often ment you'r things weren't left alone and your food could misteriously disapear. And the fridge door being left open was a constant issue. It's hard to explain this problem for someone who hasn't lived in a dorm. However this compartmented fridge, Electrolux Flatshare, is genious and something I think should be obligatory for every dorm. A compartment for each person where you have both a "high" part for milk and a "low" part for other things. And if you need more space just add another compartment. Brilliant!
Dear Santa

Quote of the Day
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired... *Amen brother*
onsdag 19 november 2008
tisdag 18 november 2008
Pimp your Crib
Mastodont stora ljuskronor i lite olika former. Rock and Royal från Holland har skapat dessa för folk med lite för mycket pengar.
Enormus chandeliers in different shapes. Rock and Royal from The Netherlands has made them for people with just a bit too much money.
Enormus chandeliers in different shapes. Rock and Royal from The Netherlands has made them for people with just a bit too much money.

måndag 17 november 2008
Kat Von D
Rock n Roll Eyeshadow Duo § Lightening Sheer Lip Gloss § Painted Love Lipstick § Holiday Lipstick § Autograph Eyeliner§ Lightning Lipglosses Mini Set § True Romance Eyeshadow Palette - Ludwig § True Romance Eyeshadow Palette - Metal Orchestra § True Romance Eyeshadow Palette - Beethoven § Kat Eye Brush Set
A French Mill

TV Series
I'm a big time TV shows buff...
Always looking for new series to sink my teeth into. I've been through a couple series but I guess you can never see to many ;). I'm the kinda person that can do quite a few different tasks at the same time - a genuine multitasker. While on the computer, which comprises most of my days, are being spent by studying, programming, doing maths, building modells, e-mailing, chatting, word processing, bloging, as well as most of the time - watching a TV serie on the computer. I'm pretty much on of those who doesn't really have to watch every second of the episode to understand what is happeing, I just have to pretty much listen - and understand.
I've just realized that 2 of my absolute favorite TV series have been cancelled!!! I'm sad, big time! Women Murder Club and Shark have ended. WHY??? Evil TV companies...
Ended/Cancelled 2007/2008: Women Murder Club, Shark, Men in Trees, Cashmere Mafia and Do not disturb.
These are the series I have finnished: Alias - Angel - A-Team - Arrested Development - Beverly Hills 90210 - Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - Cashmere Mafia - Close to Home - Dead like me - Do not disturb - E-Ring - Gilmore Girls - Hex - Hjälp - Hyperdrive - Invasion - Killer Instinct - Kommissionen - Little Britain - MacGyver - Medicinmannen - Men in Trees - Profiler - Sex and the City - Shark - Six Feet Under - Sleeper Cell - Silk Stalkings - Touching Evil - Twin Peaks - Ultimate Force - Veronica Mars - Wanted - Women Murder Club - X-Files - OZ
Always looking for new series to sink my teeth into. I've been through a couple series but I guess you can never see to many ;). I'm the kinda person that can do quite a few different tasks at the same time - a genuine multitasker. While on the computer, which comprises most of my days, are being spent by studying, programming, doing maths, building modells, e-mailing, chatting, word processing, bloging, as well as most of the time - watching a TV serie on the computer. I'm pretty much on of those who doesn't really have to watch every second of the episode to understand what is happeing, I just have to pretty much listen - and understand.
I've just realized that 2 of my absolute favorite TV series have been cancelled!!! I'm sad, big time! Women Murder Club and Shark have ended. WHY??? Evil TV companies...
Ended/Cancelled 2007/2008: Women Murder Club, Shark, Men in Trees, Cashmere Mafia and Do not disturb.
These are the series I have finnished: Alias - Angel - A-Team - Arrested Development - Beverly Hills 90210 - Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - Cashmere Mafia - Close to Home - Dead like me - Do not disturb - E-Ring - Gilmore Girls - Hex - Hjälp - Hyperdrive - Invasion - Killer Instinct - Kommissionen - Little Britain - MacGyver - Medicinmannen - Men in Trees - Profiler - Sex and the City - Shark - Six Feet Under - Sleeper Cell - Silk Stalkings - Touching Evil - Twin Peaks - Ultimate Force - Veronica Mars - Wanted - Women Murder Club - X-Files - OZ
Cashmere Mafia
Tydligen har serien Cashmere Mafia blivit cancellerad. Det är författarna bakom Sex in the City som har skrivit serien och hoppades på att Cashmere Mafia eller Lipstick Jungle skulle ta över efter cult serien. Cashmere Mafia gick bara i 7 avsnitt och den var faktist ganska bra, ingen SatC men ändå.
The series Cashmere Mafia has been cancelled. It's the writers behind Sex and the City and they were hoping that Cashmere Mafia or Lipstick Jungle was going to fill the void after the cult SatC series. Cashmere Mafia only ran for 7 episodes but I thought it was pretty good, not SatC but still.
The series Cashmere Mafia has been cancelled. It's the writers behind Sex and the City and they were hoping that Cashmere Mafia or Lipstick Jungle was going to fill the void after the cult SatC series. Cashmere Mafia only ran for 7 episodes but I thought it was pretty good, not SatC but still.
Wine labels

Mono-Use Monday: Dough-nu-matic
And it's Monday again...
This weeks MU product is a Dough-nu-matic, a doughnut maker from SkyMall. It automatically forms, fries and drains mini-doughnuts in 50 seconds. Clean-up is supposed to be easy and the frying is enclosed so no burning yourself on the oil.
The concept is good right, for someone who loves doughnuts and eats them everyday, but have you seen the size of the machine? 14" H x 22 4/5" W x 6 9/10" D or 36 cm * 58 cm * 18 cm. That is the size of a small microwave oven - to bring forth every time you want a doughnut. And the machine only does one thing - makes doughnuts.
If I were to say what I think, firstly you shouldn't be eating that many doughnuts so that you need your own machine, secondly this is just one of those gadget that you might use once but it stays in your cubboard and thirdly store bought doughnuts are way much better than this could ever be.
Product reviews:
Cooker from Florida - "I am satisfied with my purchase, however I have only used it once. I have apparently not got the right consistancy to the dough because it just dropped out in pieces. If I made it stiffer, it wouldn't drop out. If I could get that taken care of, I would enjoy it."
Sourin5150 - "It's great for parties and get-togethers. Doesn't require a lot of supervision as it makes the donuts. Sometimes the donuts don't flip over and you have to be there to do it, but basically it's all automatic. Clean up can be a little messy if you're not careful."
Sammy from Alabama - "While my family had fun initially, I would not recommend this product. It took forever (way longer than the advertised 50 sec) to make enough donuts for everyone to try one. The donuts tasted OK, but nothing like what we expected. There was a lot of clean-up as well."
This weeks MU product is a Dough-nu-matic, a doughnut maker from SkyMall. It automatically forms, fries and drains mini-doughnuts in 50 seconds. Clean-up is supposed to be easy and the frying is enclosed so no burning yourself on the oil.
The concept is good right, for someone who loves doughnuts and eats them everyday, but have you seen the size of the machine? 14" H x 22 4/5" W x 6 9/10" D or 36 cm * 58 cm * 18 cm. That is the size of a small microwave oven - to bring forth every time you want a doughnut. And the machine only does one thing - makes doughnuts.
If I were to say what I think, firstly you shouldn't be eating that many doughnuts so that you need your own machine, secondly this is just one of those gadget that you might use once but it stays in your cubboard and thirdly store bought doughnuts are way much better than this could ever be.
Product reviews:
Cooker from Florida - "I am satisfied with my purchase, however I have only used it once. I have apparently not got the right consistancy to the dough because it just dropped out in pieces. If I made it stiffer, it wouldn't drop out. If I could get that taken care of, I would enjoy it."
Sourin5150 - "It's great for parties and get-togethers. Doesn't require a lot of supervision as it makes the donuts. Sometimes the donuts don't flip over and you have to be there to do it, but basically it's all automatic. Clean up can be a little messy if you're not careful."
Sammy from Alabama - "While my family had fun initially, I would not recommend this product. It took forever (way longer than the advertised 50 sec) to make enough donuts for everyone to try one. The donuts tasted OK, but nothing like what we expected. There was a lot of clean-up as well."
fredag 14 november 2008
Thank You cards
Nu har alla tack kort gått iväg, både de svenska och de egypiska och förhoppningsvis betyder det att folk har börjat få sina kort. Hoppas även att folk tycker de är fina och att det går att läsa vad det står på korten, för med min handstil är det inte alltid så ;-) Tack alla som uppvaktade oss på vår bröllopsfest på Rönneberga Bygdegård i Järna. Vi hade det hemskt trevligt och vi hoppas alla njöt av festen. Tack så hemskt mycket för de fantastiska presenterna.
We have now sent off all of the thank you cards for our wedding party in Sweden and for the wedding party in Egypt and hopefully that means that folks are getting their thank you's about now. I hope everyone thinks they are nice and that they can read my scribbles on the cards ;-) Thank you to everyone who attended the Swedish wedding party at Rönneberga Bygdegård in Järna. We had a great time and we hope you all did too. And thank you all for the great gifts - we are thrilled!
We have now sent off all of the thank you cards for our wedding party in Sweden and for the wedding party in Egypt and hopefully that means that folks are getting their thank you's about now. I hope everyone thinks they are nice and that they can read my scribbles on the cards ;-) Thank you to everyone who attended the Swedish wedding party at Rönneberga Bygdegård in Järna. We had a great time and we hope you all did too. And thank you all for the great gifts - we are thrilled!
Den nya tidningen damp ner i brevlådan idag och det var väl en helt ok tidning att sitta och bläddra i. Jag vet inte om jag blev jätteimponerad, så jag kommer nog inte bli plus-medlem hos, för 59 kr i månaden, men jag kan tänka mig att andra kanske tycker det kan vara kul. En tidning med familjereportage, recept, pyssel, inspiration och så mycket mer.
The new Swedish magazine was sent to me and it was a pretty ok magazine to read. Although I wasn't really too impressed and I won't be becoming a plus-member on the site, any time soon. But I'm sure others thought it was quite alright. A magazine filled with family stuff, reciepes, do-it-yourself, inspiration and much much more.
The new Swedish magazine was sent to me and it was a pretty ok magazine to read. Although I wasn't really too impressed and I won't be becoming a plus-member on the site, any time soon. But I'm sure others thought it was quite alright. A magazine filled with family stuff, reciepes, do-it-yourself, inspiration and much much more.
1:a advent!
Första advent ska Adde och jag besöka Anna som bor i Visby. Anna var med på vårat bröllop i Egypten samt bröllopsfesten i Sverige. Båda gångerna sjöng hon jättevackert och förgyllde våra dagar. Vi har länge pratat om att vi ska komma och hälsa på henne och nu blir det äntligen av. Jag har inte varit på Gotland på vinterhalvåret så det ska bli lite spännande. Annas kör ska även sjunga så det ska bli väldigt roligt. Jag vet faktist inte riktigt vad vi ska hitta på, så längt har vi inte kommit ännu, men jag tror nog att det kommer bli bra vilket som. Jag längtar...
The first Advent, which is in about 2 weeks, Andy and I are going over to Gotland to visit Anna. Anna attended both our Egyptian wedding as well as the Swedish weddingparty, and both times she sang beautifully. We have been talking for a while now to visit Anna and it is going to be so great. I haven't been to Gotland during the winter months. Anna's choir is going to be singing as well and that is going to be amazing. I'm not sure what exactly we will be doing but when we figure that out if will be great! I can't wait...
The first Advent, which is in about 2 weeks, Andy and I are going over to Gotland to visit Anna. Anna attended both our Egyptian wedding as well as the Swedish weddingparty, and both times she sang beautifully. We have been talking for a while now to visit Anna and it is going to be so great. I haven't been to Gotland during the winter months. Anna's choir is going to be singing as well and that is going to be amazing. I'm not sure what exactly we will be doing but when we figure that out if will be great! I can't wait...
Om ni tycker om Designprinsen Sigvard Bernadottes Virrvarr mönster så blir det en trevlig jul för dig. I en begränsad upplaga kommer mönstret pryda coaster och bordstablett, skärbrädor, grytunderlägg, ljusstakar, magnetlist, äggkopp/servettring, vaxdukar, sänglinne, lampor, kuddar, tygväskor, förkläden, grytvantar och grytlappar. Och till Jul kommer vaxdukarna även finnas i röda och gröna exemplar från Sassabrassa.
If you are a fan of the designer Sigvard Bernadotte and his pattern virrvarr, you are in luck. Now just before Christmas they are re-releasing a limited edition coasters, cutting boards, votives, magnets, egg cups, bed linnens, lamps, pillows, totes, waxed tablecloths, aprons and oven mits. And just before Christmas the waxed tablecloths will be designed in red and green from Sassabrassa.
If you are a fan of the designer Sigvard Bernadotte and his pattern virrvarr, you are in luck. Now just before Christmas they are re-releasing a limited edition coasters, cutting boards, votives, magnets, egg cups, bed linnens, lamps, pillows, totes, waxed tablecloths, aprons and oven mits. And just before Christmas the waxed tablecloths will be designed in red and green from Sassabrassa.
onsdag 12 november 2008
tisdag 11 november 2008
TisdagsTema: Fågel, fisk eller mittimellan!
TisdagsTema igen och denna gången är temat Fågel, fisk eller mittimellan. Det var ett riktigt svårt tema, men jag hittade en bild som jag verkligen tycker om. Tagen i Sharm El Sheikh, Egypten 2001.
It's picture time again, Tuesday Theme. The theme this week is Bird, fish or inbetween, which is a word game that we used to play as kids. It was seriously a tricky theme but I found this picture that I actually really like. It's taken in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 2001.
It's picture time again, Tuesday Theme. The theme this week is Bird, fish or inbetween, which is a word game that we used to play as kids. It was seriously a tricky theme but I found this picture that I actually really like. It's taken in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 2001.
Thank you
Idag har jag spenderat dagen med att skriva tackkort. Tackkort för svenska bröllopsfesten. Det är en del att skriva men nu är det i alla fall klart. Nu ska Adde bara läsa genom korten och skriva på dem. Sen är det bara att slicka igen dem och klistra på frimärket. Imorgon läggs dom på lådan...
I've spent the day writing thank you cards. Thank you cards for out Swedish wedding party. It's been quite a bit of writing but it's pretty much done. Andy is just going to read through the cards and sign it. Then we lick'em shut and slap a stamp on there. Tomorrow they'll be put in circulation...
I've spent the day writing thank you cards. Thank you cards for out Swedish wedding party. It's been quite a bit of writing but it's pretty much done. Andy is just going to read through the cards and sign it. Then we lick'em shut and slap a stamp on there. Tomorrow they'll be put in circulation...
måndag 10 november 2008
Mono-Use Monday: French Fry Holder
And it's Monday again...
This time on MU Monday, it's a product that probably is used 100 times more in the US than it would ever be used in Sweden, since Swedes don't really do the whole drive and eat thing - I've done it once or twice when I've been in a hurry, but then I don't bother with hard to eats food such as french fries, I keep to a burger. I saw this product first at Serious Eats and I must say I was amazed, cause it is just a dumb product. The product in question is a French Fry holder for your car, even equiped with a little ketchup cup.
Firstly: You shouldn't be eating when driving, it is a serious risk to both your self and other drivers.
Secondly: If you must be eating and driving, must you be eating french fries or can't you eat them another time. Who needs the hassel and the mess.
According to Improvments Catalog where you can buy the holder it makes driving safer. Sure it does, but isn't it safer all together NOT to eat fries in your car? Sorry, this is just stupid and shouldn't be sold - at all.
This time on MU Monday, it's a product that probably is used 100 times more in the US than it would ever be used in Sweden, since Swedes don't really do the whole drive and eat thing - I've done it once or twice when I've been in a hurry, but then I don't bother with hard to eats food such as french fries, I keep to a burger. I saw this product first at Serious Eats and I must say I was amazed, cause it is just a dumb product. The product in question is a French Fry holder for your car, even equiped with a little ketchup cup.
Firstly: You shouldn't be eating when driving, it is a serious risk to both your self and other drivers.

Thirdly: Laying of the french fries is just good for everyone right? Thats what I thought.
I söndagsmorgon stjussade vi mamma till flygplatsen, hon skulle "hem" till pappa och Dubai. Men innan vi släppte henne genom säkerhetskontrollen så åt vi frukost på Grand Café på Arlanda. Där hade dom väldigt förmånliga erbjudanden för frukost.
3 produkter för 49 kr
4 produkter för 59 kr
5 produkter för 69 kr
En produkt är t.ex. kaffe eller te, apelsinjuice, smörgås, crossaint, winerbröd, yoghurt med bär, exotiska frukter eller ägg med kaviar.
Man fick helt fritt välja vad man ville äta och därmed blev våra fukostar inte lika. Nedan ser ni hur våra frukostar var olika. Det var väldigt gott och väldigt billigt tyckte vi alla tre och vi blev extremt mätta. Winerbröden var dom godaste jag någonsin smakat och gjorde sig bra som en sista smaskig avslut på frukosten. Om ni är intresserades så har dom frukosten även på helgerna och då "stänger" dom kl 09.00. Jag rekomenderar det verkligen!
Yesterday morning we drove my mom to the airport, she was going "home" to dad and to Dubai. But before letting her go through security we had breakfast together, at Grand Café at Arlanda. They had a really nice deal on breakfast.
3 products for 49 kr
4 products for 59 kr
5 products for 69 kr
A product is for example coffee or te, orangejuice, sandwich, crossaint, a danish, yogurt with berries or eggs with Swedish caviar.
The good thing about the breakfast was that you could choose exactly what you wanted to eat and therefore our breakfast where quite different, as you see above. It was a really nice breakfast as well as we were very full afterwards. The danish were the best I have ever eaten and they made a nice little tickle for my sweet tooth after breakfast. If you are interested, they are opened both on weekdays and weekends but they end breakfast service at 9.00 am. But I truely recommend a visit!
3 produkter för 49 kr
4 produkter för 59 kr
5 produkter för 69 kr
En produkt är t.ex. kaffe eller te, apelsinjuice, smörgås, crossaint, winerbröd, yoghurt med bär, exotiska frukter eller ägg med kaviar.
Man fick helt fritt välja vad man ville äta och därmed blev våra fukostar inte lika. Nedan ser ni hur våra frukostar var olika. Det var väldigt gott och väldigt billigt tyckte vi alla tre och vi blev extremt mätta. Winerbröden var dom godaste jag någonsin smakat och gjorde sig bra som en sista smaskig avslut på frukosten. Om ni är intresserades så har dom frukosten även på helgerna och då "stänger" dom kl 09.00. Jag rekomenderar det verkligen!
Yesterday morning we drove my mom to the airport, she was going "home" to dad and to Dubai. But before letting her go through security we had breakfast together, at Grand Café at Arlanda. They had a really nice deal on breakfast.
3 products for 49 kr
4 products for 59 kr
5 products for 69 kr
A product is for example coffee or te, orangejuice, sandwich, crossaint, a danish, yogurt with berries or eggs with Swedish caviar.
The good thing about the breakfast was that you could choose exactly what you wanted to eat and therefore our breakfast where quite different, as you see above. It was a really nice breakfast as well as we were very full afterwards. The danish were the best I have ever eaten and they made a nice little tickle for my sweet tooth after breakfast. If you are interested, they are opened both on weekdays and weekends but they end breakfast service at 9.00 am. But I truely recommend a visit!
Om jag hade 5 meter till tak hade jag garanterat satsat på en Scheisse. Den är helt enkelt brilliant. jag kan inte förklara det på något annat sätt. Och om det skulle vara så att jag hade ett hus som denna passade i skulle det till och med vara ok att betala 7,090 kr.
If I had a house with a 5 meter celling height i'd garanteed buy a Scheisse. It's brilliant and that is pretty much the only thing I need to say. If I had a house that this would fit into I'd even consider buying it for $ 916.
If I had a house with a 5 meter celling height i'd garanteed buy a Scheisse. It's brilliant and that is pretty much the only thing I need to say. If I had a house that this would fit into I'd even consider buying it for $ 916.
Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey
Jag har hittat en underbar bok som jag skulle vilja ha. Jag vet iofs inte om den går att få tag i Sverige, så jag tror nog att jag får vänta med att köpa den tills vi åker till Montreal. Boken heter Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey: Desserts for the Serious Sweet Tooth skriven av Jill O'Connor. Yummy!!!
I've found a wonderful cookbook that I'd love to have. But since it isn't sold in Sweden I'll just have to wait till I go to Montreal. The book is called Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey: Desserts for the Serious Sweet Tooth by Jill O'Connor. Yummy!!!
I've found a wonderful cookbook that I'd love to have. But since it isn't sold in Sweden I'll just have to wait till I go to Montreal. The book is called Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey: Desserts for the Serious Sweet Tooth by Jill O'Connor. Yummy!!!
Jewels of India
Indiska har ett samarbete med en av Indiens främsta designern, Rita Kumar. Hon har butiker i hela Indien och skapar etniska plagg i traditionella mönster. Hennes kläder kommer att finnas i utvalda butiker från v. 45.
Indiska has a design co-operation with the Indian designer Rita Kumar. She has butiks all over India and creats ethnic clothes with traditional patterns. Her clothes will be available in selected shops from November 3 rd.
Halterneck dress 995 kr
Golden dress 1295 kr
Tunika 995 kr
Short Tunika 595 kr
Short Tunika 696 kr
Indiska has a design co-operation with the Indian designer Rita Kumar. She has butiks all over India and creats ethnic clothes with traditional patterns. Her clothes will be available in selected shops from November 3 rd.
Halterneck dress 995 kr
Golden dress 1295 kr
Tunika 995 kr
Short Tunika 595 kr
Short Tunika 696 kr
Den 19:e december åker jag och Adde samt lillebror till Dubai för att fira jul med mamma och pappa. Det ska bli väldigt skönt med lite värme och vi ska vara borta tills den 30:e december. Tyvärr betyder ju det att vi inte kommer kunna fira jul med svärföräldrarna i Kanada och det känns tråkigt. Adde och jag har alltid firat på båda ställena, julafton hos ena föräldrar paret och juldagen hos den andra. Men att åka från Sverige eller Dubai till Montreal är inte helt enkelt så vi får helt enkelt göra så att vi firar nästa år hos svärföräldrarna i Kanada.
Men nu var det Dubai vi skulle till i år. Jag har varit där 3 gånger tidigare, eftersom mamma och pappa har jobbat där tidigare. Men det är Addes första gång i Dubai och jag hoppas kunna visa honom en fantastisk tid där. Dubai har ju ändrat sig massivt mycket men jag hittar nog kanske ändå. Det kommer nog bli mycket vilande och liggande på stranden. Havet, Arabiska gulfen är fantastisk och bara att vara där är grymt.
Det är inte så himla lång tid kvar tills vi åker men det finns en hel del jag skulle vilja hinna med innan vi åker. Och det är väl bara att sätta igång nu...
December 19 th, Andy, Tim and I are going to be traveling to Dubai to celebrate christmas with my parents. It is going to be very nice with some warmth and we'll be gone to the 30 th. Unfortunetly that means that we are unable to celebrate Christmas with my in-laws in Canada, which feels really sad. Andy and I have always celebrated with both pairs of parents, Christmas Eve with the first pair and Christmas day with the second. But to go from Sweden or Dubai to Montreal is quite difficult so we'll celebrate with my in-laws next year instead.
But now it's Dubai that we are talking about. I've been there 3 times before, since my parents used to work there. But this will be Andy's first time and I hope to be able to show him a fantastic time. Dubai has changed greatly but I hope to that I still find my way around the place. There will be a lot of lazing and laying on the beach too. The Arabic gulf is amazing!
It isn't that long till it's time to go but I have quite a bit to do till then. But I guess it's just time to get to it...
Men nu var det Dubai vi skulle till i år. Jag har varit där 3 gånger tidigare, eftersom mamma och pappa har jobbat där tidigare. Men det är Addes första gång i Dubai och jag hoppas kunna visa honom en fantastisk tid där. Dubai har ju ändrat sig massivt mycket men jag hittar nog kanske ändå. Det kommer nog bli mycket vilande och liggande på stranden. Havet, Arabiska gulfen är fantastisk och bara att vara där är grymt.
Det är inte så himla lång tid kvar tills vi åker men det finns en hel del jag skulle vilja hinna med innan vi åker. Och det är väl bara att sätta igång nu...
December 19 th, Andy, Tim and I are going to be traveling to Dubai to celebrate christmas with my parents. It is going to be very nice with some warmth and we'll be gone to the 30 th. Unfortunetly that means that we are unable to celebrate Christmas with my in-laws in Canada, which feels really sad. Andy and I have always celebrated with both pairs of parents, Christmas Eve with the first pair and Christmas day with the second. But to go from Sweden or Dubai to Montreal is quite difficult so we'll celebrate with my in-laws next year instead.
But now it's Dubai that we are talking about. I've been there 3 times before, since my parents used to work there. But this will be Andy's first time and I hope to be able to show him a fantastic time. Dubai has changed greatly but I hope to that I still find my way around the place. There will be a lot of lazing and laying on the beach too. The Arabic gulf is amazing!
It isn't that long till it's time to go but I have quite a bit to do till then. But I guess it's just time to get to it...

For a fastfood lover
Om ni gillar snabbmat kanske ni vill ha ett litet sånt här gulligt mobilsmycke. Ett japanskt påhitt från Strapaya World, för ca 15 kr + frakt.
If you like fastfood you might have this cute mobile jewelry. A Japanese gadget from Strapaya World, for about $ 2.
Picture: Collage by me, pics from Strapaya World.
If you like fastfood you might have this cute mobile jewelry. A Japanese gadget from Strapaya World, for about $ 2.
Picture: Collage by me, pics from Strapaya World.
TisdagsTema: Fågel, fisk eller mittimellan!

It's picture time again, Tuesday Theme. The theme this week is Bird, fish or inbetween, which is a word game that we used to play as kids. It was seriously a tricky theme but I found this picture that I actually really like. It's taken in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 2001.
fredag 7 november 2008
No more smelly!
Crown Ocean / Blå silver 249 kr
Fantasy drop 629 kr
King white 579 krQueen Black 579 kr
Crown Lila / Guld 249 kr
A no brainer??!
När jag fick tänka efter lite, kom jag ju på att lillebror fyller år innan jul... Vilket betyder att jag måste fixa en födelsedagspresent också. Därmed blir nog brorsans julklapp en födelsedagspresent istället. Så, back to square one... Eller inte... Idag var jag på stan med mamma och hittade 3! julklappar till Adde. SCORE! Iofs i samma tema, men det är endå tre stycken. Så nu har jag i alla fall fått lite gjort trots att jag kom på att jag är ett pucko ;-)
After som thought, I remembered that my brothers birthday is in december which means that I need a birthday present as well as a christmas gift. Therefore the previous Christmas gift is now a birthday present and I'm back to square one.. Or am I? When I was shopping today with my mom I found 3! Christmas presents for Andy. SCORE! That means that I'm still on the way to finnishing my Christmas shopping before December 23.
After som thought, I remembered that my brothers birthday is in december which means that I need a birthday present as well as a christmas gift. Therefore the previous Christmas gift is now a birthday present and I'm back to square one.. Or am I? When I was shopping today with my mom I found 3! Christmas presents for Andy. SCORE! That means that I'm still on the way to finnishing my Christmas shopping before December 23.
One down... A bunch to go...

Today I bought my first christmas gift! It's insanly early to be buying Christmas gifts, I know, but I thougt it might be just as well, when I knew what I'd be buying and that it might take a while for it to arrive. (Which it apparently didn't, but anyways...) So thereby my brothers gift is bought! I feel quite good about it ;-)
Friday treat
Förra helgen åt vi denna goding till efterrätt och nu när det är fredag är det ett perfekt tips till er. Last weekend we ate this delicious concoction and it's a perfect tip for you on a friday.
Chokladmousse med kaffesmak / Chocolate mousse with coffee flavor
125 ml mjölk
125 g choklad
1 äggula
15 g smör eller margarin
125 ml grädde
Chocolate Mousse:
½ cup milk
125 g chocolate
1 yolk
15 g butter
½ cup cream
Vit chokladmousse:
½ dl kaffe
100 g vitchoklad
1 äggula
3 dl grädde
White chocolate mousse:
10 tsp coffee
4 oz white chocolate
1 egg yolk
1.2 cups cream
Garnering: Flisad choklad eller chokladbönor.
Decorations: Chocolate beans or chopped chocolate.
1. Häll mjölken i en kastrull och värm tills mjölken precis börjar koka.
2. Hacka under tiden chokladen.
3. När mjölken börjat koka tillsätt chokladen och dra kastrullen från värmen.
4. Vispa i chokladen i mjölken, ställ i en termometer och värm till 45 C.
5. Vid 45 C tillsätt äggulan och vispa.
6. Tillsätt därefter smöret och vispa smeten blank.
7. Vispa för att kyla ner smeten.
8. Vispa grädden lagom hård.
9. Tillsätt den svalnande chokladen och vänd.
10. Häll upp i skålar eller i glas och låt stå i kylen i minst 2 timmar.
Repetera steg 1-5, men byt ut mjölken mot kaffet och choklad mot vit choklad, enligt receptet. Hoppa över steg, 6 och fortsätt receptet. Häll moussen över den stelnade moussen i skålen eller glaset och ställ kallt i minst 3 timmar. Garnera med chokladböna eller flisad choklad för servering.
1. Place milk in a small saucepan and bring milk to boil.
2. Meanwhile chopp your chocolate into small pieces.
3. When milk has just boiled add the chopped chocolate and remove from the heat.
4. Stirr till chocolate is dissolved in milk. Add thermometer to the saucepan and heat till 45 C.
5. At 45 C add the separated egg yolk. Whisk till egg yolk is incorporated.
6. Add butter and whisk till combined.
7. Keep whisking to cool mixture.
8. Whip your cream slightly, allow to be slightly fluffy.
9. Add chocolate to your whipped cream and fold together.
10. Pour into bowls or glass and set in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Repeat steps 1-5, but replace milk with coffee and chocolate with white chocolate according to reciepe. Omit step 6 and continue thru steps 7-10. Pour over the other stiffened mousse and set in fridge for at least 3 hours. Decorate with chocolate beans or chopped chocolate before serving.
Chokladmousse med kaffesmak / Chocolate mousse with coffee flavor
125 ml mjölk
125 g choklad
1 äggula
15 g smör eller margarin
125 ml grädde
Chocolate Mousse:
½ cup milk
125 g chocolate
1 yolk
15 g butter
½ cup cream
Vit chokladmousse:
½ dl kaffe
100 g vitchoklad
1 äggula
3 dl grädde
White chocolate mousse:
10 tsp coffee
4 oz white chocolate
1 egg yolk
1.2 cups cream
Garnering: Flisad choklad eller chokladbönor.
Decorations: Chocolate beans or chopped chocolate.
1. Häll mjölken i en kastrull och värm tills mjölken precis börjar koka.
2. Hacka under tiden chokladen.
3. När mjölken börjat koka tillsätt chokladen och dra kastrullen från värmen.
4. Vispa i chokladen i mjölken, ställ i en termometer och värm till 45 C.
5. Vid 45 C tillsätt äggulan och vispa.
6. Tillsätt därefter smöret och vispa smeten blank.
7. Vispa för att kyla ner smeten.
8. Vispa grädden lagom hård.
9. Tillsätt den svalnande chokladen och vänd.
10. Häll upp i skålar eller i glas och låt stå i kylen i minst 2 timmar.
Repetera steg 1-5, men byt ut mjölken mot kaffet och choklad mot vit choklad, enligt receptet. Hoppa över steg, 6 och fortsätt receptet. Häll moussen över den stelnade moussen i skålen eller glaset och ställ kallt i minst 3 timmar. Garnera med chokladböna eller flisad choklad för servering.
1. Place milk in a small saucepan and bring milk to boil.
2. Meanwhile chopp your chocolate into small pieces.
3. When milk has just boiled add the chopped chocolate and remove from the heat.
4. Stirr till chocolate is dissolved in milk. Add thermometer to the saucepan and heat till 45 C.
5. At 45 C add the separated egg yolk. Whisk till egg yolk is incorporated.
6. Add butter and whisk till combined.
7. Keep whisking to cool mixture.
8. Whip your cream slightly, allow to be slightly fluffy.
9. Add chocolate to your whipped cream and fold together.
10. Pour into bowls or glass and set in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Repeat steps 1-5, but replace milk with coffee and chocolate with white chocolate according to reciepe. Omit step 6 and continue thru steps 7-10. Pour over the other stiffened mousse and set in fridge for at least 3 hours. Decorate with chocolate beans or chopped chocolate before serving.
torsdag 6 november 2008
Eller som vi vanliga dödliga skulle kalla dem, pallar... Or as we mortals would call them, stools...
Summer Stripe Ottoman för $875. Kan användas som fotpall eller soffbord. Kläd med vackert bommulstyg. Extra sittplatser till vardagrummet är aldrig fel. Pallen längst fram i bilden är jag helt kär i, tyvärr är den andra lite för plottrig för min smak. Jag skulle vilja ha flera, kanske inte i samma tyg, men de är perfekta som en färgklick i ett annars diskret rum. Summer Stripe Ottoman, $875. Can be used as either a foot stool or as a coffee table. Lined with a beautiful cotton textile making possible more seating in the livingroom. I like the stool closest in the picture, the other one is just too wishy-washy for me. I'd love to have several of them, not likely in the same textile, but they'd be a perfect dash of color in an otherwise discret room.
Me wantee #1...
Pony Patch Ottoman för $738. Denna pall är verkligen underbar trots att jag inte riktigt gillar skin eller vad man nu ska kalla det. Men denna pall skulle jag verkligen vilja ha i mitt cognac/whisky-drickarrum som jag kallar det. Mörka skinstolar med mörka möbler och små varma detaljer som denna underbara pall. Pony Patch Ottoman, $738. This stool is great, although I don't really know if i like leather or what it's called. But this stool would make a great addition to my cognac/whisky-drinking, gentlemans club feeling-room. Dark leather chairs, dark furniture and small warmer details such as this stool.
Me wantee #2...
Tooled Leather Storage Ottoman för $624. Den här pallen är så otroligt vacker, helt underbar. Färgen, hantverket och så har den förvaringsutrymme. Tooled Leather Storage Ottoman, $624. This stool is gorgous and it has STORAGE. What else do you need me to say? But the color is amazing, the craftmanship prestine and storage.
Me wantee #3...(Just a little more than the others)
Pictures from Room Service Home.
Summer Stripe Ottoman för $875. Kan användas som fotpall eller soffbord. Kläd med vackert bommulstyg. Extra sittplatser till vardagrummet är aldrig fel. Pallen längst fram i bilden är jag helt kär i, tyvärr är den andra lite för plottrig för min smak. Jag skulle vilja ha flera, kanske inte i samma tyg, men de är perfekta som en färgklick i ett annars diskret rum. Summer Stripe Ottoman, $875. Can be used as either a foot stool or as a coffee table. Lined with a beautiful cotton textile making possible more seating in the livingroom. I like the stool closest in the picture, the other one is just too wishy-washy for me. I'd love to have several of them, not likely in the same textile, but they'd be a perfect dash of color in an otherwise discret room.
Me wantee #1...
Pony Patch Ottoman för $738. Denna pall är verkligen underbar trots att jag inte riktigt gillar skin eller vad man nu ska kalla det. Men denna pall skulle jag verkligen vilja ha i mitt cognac/whisky-drickarrum som jag kallar det. Mörka skinstolar med mörka möbler och små varma detaljer som denna underbara pall. Pony Patch Ottoman, $738. This stool is great, although I don't really know if i like leather or what it's called. But this stool would make a great addition to my cognac/whisky-drinking, gentlemans club feeling-room. Dark leather chairs, dark furniture and small warmer details such as this stool.
Me wantee #2...
Tooled Leather Storage Ottoman för $624. Den här pallen är så otroligt vacker, helt underbar. Färgen, hantverket och så har den förvaringsutrymme. Tooled Leather Storage Ottoman, $624. This stool is gorgous and it has STORAGE. What else do you need me to say? But the color is amazing, the craftmanship prestine and storage.
Me wantee #3...(Just a little more than the others)
Pictures from Room Service Home.
Frozen Smiles

tisdag 4 november 2008
Blossa 08
Igår, 3 november, släptes Vin&Sprits årgångsglögg, Blossa 08, med smak av blåbär med en ton av kryddnejlika. "Blossa 08 har en stor och bärig doft med klassiska toner av kardemumma och ingefära samt en elegant blåbärskaraktär. Den är fyllig och smakrik med intensivt kryddiga toner, frisk fruktsyra och tydlig blåbärskaraktär. Lång eftersmak med balanserad sötma och generös bärighet." står det på Vin&Sprits hemsida. Den låter faktist väldigt smakig men det känns lite väl tidigt att börja dricka glögg redan nu, det är ju bara i början av november.
Yesterday, the 3rd of november, the Swedish liquor consortium owned by Pernod Ricard, Vin & Sprit, released their perenial mulled wine, Blossa 08, that tastes of blueberrys and cloves. It actutally sounds pretty good, but I think it is way to early to start thinking about Christmasy drinks already, it's only November.
Yesterday, the 3rd of november, the Swedish liquor consortium owned by Pernod Ricard, Vin & Sprit, released their perenial mulled wine, Blossa 08, that tastes of blueberrys and cloves. It actutally sounds pretty good, but I think it is way to early to start thinking about Christmasy drinks already, it's only November.
måndag 3 november 2008
Födelsedagen har varit i vilan och stillhetens tecken, alltså vi har bara njutit av att göra ingenting... förutom då att Adde har jobbat... Kvällen avnjöts på ett mycket trevligt sätt i bubbelbadkaret, med tända ljus, ett glas citronsaft och en bra bok. Älsklingen fixade så fint och mysigt. Även stjärnhimmeln fick vara på och så kunde jag drömma mig bort. Och efter badet hade handukstorken så klart både värmt handuken och min fina rosa morgonrock. Det kunde faktist inte bli bättre...
My birthday has been a nice relaxing day, without musts or don'ts. We have spent the day just doing what we wanted... and resting... except when Andy was working... I've spent the evening in the bubbelbath with candles litt, a glas of lemon cordial and a good book. My baby made it very cozy and special. Even the stars were litt. Even the towel heater stood ready to heat up the towel and my bathrobe for after the bath. It couldn't have been any better...
My birthday has been a nice relaxing day, without musts or don'ts. We have spent the day just doing what we wanted... and resting... except when Andy was working... I've spent the evening in the bubbelbath with candles litt, a glas of lemon cordial and a good book. My baby made it very cozy and special. Even the stars were litt. Even the towel heater stood ready to heat up the towel and my bathrobe for after the bath. It couldn't have been any better...
Jag är väldigt oinsatt i Amerikansk politik. Jag är väl intresserad av ett anorlunda styre än vad det är just nu men mer än så kan jag nog inte spekulera i. Men om man ska gå efter vilka kändisar som stöttar vilka politiker så håller jag nog på Obama - enbart för denna anledningen... I'm very much not involved in politics and I'm not very informed either. But I do know that having a different governament than now but more than that is not my place to speculate. However if I were to go after what celebrities support which politicians I'd probably support Obama - just for a single reason...
Foto: Jason Reed
Foto: Jason Reed
Tävling hos Leva som Jag
Många tävlingar som dyker upp på måndagmornar och det är klart man vill vara med och tävla. Första är hos Leva som Jag, där man vinner ett julpaket och det vore väl inte helt fy skam?
Tävling # 2 finns hos Brunkullan med Mosipperötter där man vinner en jättefin Tekanna från Brunkullan.
Tävling # 2 finns hos Brunkullan med Mosipperötter där man vinner en jättefin Tekanna från Brunkullan.
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