onsdag 30 juni 2010

Bröllopsdag # 1

För två år sedan, idag, satt Adde och jag med familj (tyvärr inte svärföräldrarna) och vittnen på Egyptiska Ambassaden i Stockholm och gifte oss på "riktigt". Det var det första av våra 3 bröllopsceremonier. Kan inte förstå att det har gått 2 år redan - 2 år har jag fått vara Adde's fru =)
Two years ago, today, Andy and I were at the Egyptian Embassy in Stockholm, saying our vows. It was to be the first of our 3 wedding cermonies. I can't really believe that it has already been 2 years - two years that I have been able to call myself Andy's wife =)

Först var vi på Ambassaden och fick , signera med bland annat fingeravtryck och sen "firade" vi med familj och vittnen på Grand Palace med fantastisk kineskisk mat och en vacker tårta.
We signed with our finger prints at the Embassy and then cellebrated with family and witnesses at Grand Palace with tasty chinese food and a beautiful cake. 

Puss på dig min prins!
I love you my prince!
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Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra!!! Idag fyller K2 år! Grattis gumman, hoppas ni får en underbar segling!

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Mom and Dad

Nu är äntligen mamma och pappa hemma på sommarbesök. Mamma har varit borta i ett år och pappa var hemma förra månaden, men innan dessa var det ett år sen han var hemma - så det är ett kärt besök. Som vanligt blir det enormt mycket gooood mat, speciellt egyptisk mat - sånt som inte jag kan laga =) Mums!

Välkomna hem! =)

Mom and Dad are back home, Yay! I'm looking forward to all the Egyptian cooking that my mom is going to make. Fooood, yummy yummy foood!!! 

Welcome home!

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tisdag 29 juni 2010

Dads birthday cake

Finally mom is home ;-)


Idag fyller både Pappa år och SpiderPig (svågern) år. Stort grattis till er båda!

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@ Arlanda

måndag 28 juni 2010

Stockholm by Night

On our way to Arlanda (the airport) to pick up mom and dad. Stockholm is gourgous at night. It's going to be great to see them again. <3

söndag 27 juni 2010

Dinner @ sea

Smoked shrimps from Skansholmen, with aioli and bread. ;-) Nice way to end a really great midsummer weekend.

fredag 25 juni 2010

The King


Herring lunch - typical midsummer food.

Fika (coffee time)

@ Hummelvik

We have rented a cottage with F & J for the midsummer weekend in the Hummelvik area. Three days with friends, sun, good food and laughs are install ;-)

A Swedish feast of summer...

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torsdag 24 juni 2010


Just nu så blir det bara mer och mer populärt att spela casinospel online och det finns otroligt många att välja på. Men ett av de spel som växer snabbast är video slots som är en typ av enarmad bandit. Det finns flera hundra olika spel till video slots och till många av dessa spel finns det också progressiva jackpottar. Att dessa jackpottar är progressiva innebär att de hela tiden och i teorin kan bli precis hur stor som helst. De största är också extremt stora och ligger ofta på flera miljoner euro. Så om du är sugen på att testa video slots så bör du ha koll på vilket spel som har störst jackpott då det ger ett bra värde till spelet.

Ett annat casinospel som har växt och blivit otroligt stort är poker på internet. Dagligen är det flera hundratusen människor runt om i världen som spelar poker mot varandra. Det största pokerrummet online just nu är Pokerstars och när det är som flest spelare inne och spelar så är det över 200.000 spelare online bara på Pokerstars. Om du har tänkt börja spela på Pokerstars så får du dessutom en bonus på 100% upp till $600 vilket är riktigt bra. Denna Pokerstars bonus baseras på din första insättning, så om du sätter in $200 så får du $200 i bonus eftersom den är på 100% av din första insättning. Sen kommer detta bonusbelopp att släppas till dig vartefter du spelar poker på Pokerstars.

Så som du förstår så finns det många olika sätt att tjäna mycket pengar på casino spel förutom det man faktiskt vinner när man spelar poker eller något video slots spel. Men spela med måtta och tänk på att inte spela med mer pengar än du har råd med. Även om du får en riktigt bra bonus på Pokerstars eller lockas av en stor jackpott.

Men den som har det rätta sinnet kan tjäna otroligt mycket pengar på både poker och video slots.

Lycka till!

Karoleen - Fotograf © Copyright - All rights reserved.
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Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .


The perfect ending of a really great day with my girls. Now, my baby, Hells Kitchen (Gordon Ramsey on the telli) and love...


Caesar sallad

Lunch at Karins place, yum!

onsdag 23 juni 2010

New book

Lillkusinen Nea!

Idag fyller lillkusinen Nea år - stort GRATTIS på 21 års-dagen!!!

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Smartsons tester

Testa era chanser...
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Grevinnan och Jugge!

Grevinnan och Jugge kommer hem på en blixtvisit från Indien idag. Det är så otroligt kul att ha dem hemma. Grevinnan och jag ska åka iväg till Uppsala, för att hälsa på K2, och sen har vi planerat midsommar i en stuga i Hummelvik. Det ska bli otroligt kul. Har saknat min lilla Grevinna =)

Välkomna hem älsklingar!

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lördag 19 juni 2010


Picture borrowed from Ebba von Sydow's blog

Gårdagens kanske finaste bild??? I alla fall sötast...
Yesterdays nicest picture of the married-to-be??? Or at least the sweetest...

Karoleen - Fotograf © Copyright - All rights reserved.
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Breakfast @ Lindahls Cafè. Andy ate a grilled ciabatta with ham, cream cheese and tomatoes with coffee and ate a grilled foccaica with cream cheese, parma ham, arrugula and sun dried tomatoes with a Cafè Latte. Very yummy and a nice start to a nice day including football, the royal wedding, hopefully selling the car, cleaning the house,
renovating and may be even resting(?).


Avslutat: Midvinterblod och jag gillar verkligen Mons Kallentoft och även denna boken. Jag läste dem lite i fel ordning dock, men nu ska försöka köpa och jag hugga in i den tredje boken om Malin Fors i Linköpings polisen.

Från Bokus:
Det är den kallaste vintern i mannaminne och en man hittas hängd i ett träd ute på Östgötaslätten. Tillvägagångssättet påminner om de gamla asatroendes ritualer vid människooffer och kriminalinspektör Malin Fors ger sig ut på jakt efter mördaren. Men rör det sig verkligen om ett offer? Och varför har någon velat ge sig på Bollbengan, en av Linköpings utstötta? Under de kalla stjärnorna svävar Bollbengans ande och manar på Malin att ta reda på hans historia

Betyg: K K K K / 5K

Finished my book and now I want the third book in the series since they are really good. Although I'm unsure if they have been translated. Grade: 4/5. 

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Congratulations Victoria & Daniel!!!

Idag är det dags för det Kungliga Bröllopet mellan Kronprinsessan Victoria och sin Daniel. Det kommer garanterat vara en otroligt vacker ceremoni och en underbar fest - lite synd att man inte är bjuden faktiskt =) Alla pratar ju om vilken klänning hon valt, hur Victoria kommer se ut, hur allt kommer gå till och snart kanske vi få se det också. Är det många av er som tänker titta?

Njut av dagen Victoria & Daniel och jag önskar er all lycka till i livet som gifta!

It's finally time for the Swedish Royal Wedding to take place. The Heir to the Thrown, Victoria is finally is finally taking her vows with her Daniel (a man of the people). Speculations have been going on since they announced their wedding and everyone is tense to know who made the dress and how the ceremony is going to go. I'm somewhat jealous that I wasn't invited =)

I hope the have a wonderful wedding and I wish them all the luck in their marriage!

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torsdag 17 juni 2010

The only thing missing is a cold one...

We took the boat out from Norrköping to an island named Svindra. We put out anchor and climbed into land and are now sitting on the cliffs in the warm evening sun and grilling some hot dogs. It's quite a beautiful place and we are enjoying ourselves. This is Sweden at it's best... And as any Swede would say, the only thing missing is a nt in
the water containing ocean-chilled beer.

Have a great evening!

Breakfast in the sun with my baby

On the way to the airport and yes it's 4:38 a.m.

onsdag 16 juni 2010

Dinner: a tradition with mother-in-law

Sushi from Kikkobar in Linköping. I love Sushi!

Lunch @ Swedens answer to McDonalds...

Going south...

Tävling hos Härlighet enligt Erika och Mi Sa Ko

Hos Härligheter enligt Erika kan man nu vinna sin favorit väska från Mi Sa Ko. Min favorit är Bahia, stor och gammelrosa. Så himla vackra väskor!

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tisdag 15 juni 2010

Match # 11

Italy - Paraguay: 1-1

This is the first game that I didn't watch in the World Cup, I just had to enjoy the sunshine outside instead. Andy and I took the boat out and enjoyed the evening in the sun and had a watery pick-nick.

I did however keep tabs on the game, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. The game as I understand wasn't anything special, much like the rest of the World Cup games - Unfortunetly. Italy usually surprise and make football very beautiful, but this game didn't really excite at all. It seemed like a fairly even game and the outcome showed that. Although the Italian manager was slightly annoyed and said that Italy had played so much better and therefore should have been rewarded with more goals. With possession being 52% vs 48% I think a tied game is pretty much fair...

Paraguays goal was quite delicate though....and the Italian goal was less great, but a goal is a goal...
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Match # 10

Japan - Cameroon: 1-0

A game that really didn't seem to be going the right way. Everyone thought Cameroon were going to win, they are after all a fairly good team. Descendants of Roger Milla (the first football player to celebrate a goal by making a goal gesture) and all...

Japan took the lead after 39 minutes by Honda, and then they kept the lead. Cameroon tried and tried but alas it didn't do much good...
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måndag 14 juni 2010

Going boating

Match # 9

The Netherlands - Denmark: 2-0

The game was somewhat of a drag with a great Dutch team, with a way of playing that makes you smile. Denmark as close to Sweden as we can come in this World Cup. Denmark also are a team not to underestimate. They have their moments and a game that usually surprises. But The Netherlands, didn't really have anything to worry about. Most of the match was played by The Netherlands, although Denmark gave them a match. To bad about Poulsens own goal, although he took it well, with a smile. And then the second goal was nice rebound by Kuyt.

But we're missing Rudd...
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The Offside Rule!

I think I can finally explain the offside rule to women with a life like example that they can relate too. Since the offside rule is crutial too football, it will be important that people who dont normally watch football get a perspective of it.

You're in a shoe shop, second in the queue for the cashier. Behind the cashier is a pair of shoes which you have seen and which you must have....

The female shopper in front of you has seen them also and is eyeing them with desire. Both of you have forgotten your purses. It would be rude to push in front of the first woman if you had no money to pay for the shoes.

The cashier remains at the till waiting.

Your friend is trying on another pair of shoes at the back of the shop and sees your dilemma. She prepares to throw her purse to you. If she does so, you can catch the purse, then walk round the other shopper and buy the shoes! At a pinch she could throw the purse ahead of the other shopper and "whilst it is in flight" you could nip around the other shopper, catch the purse and buy the shoes!

BUT, you must always remember that until the purse has "actually been thrown", it would be plain wrong for you to be in front of the other shopper and you would be OFFSIDE! 


Correspondent, Nick Leeson, Dubai
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Match # 8

Germany - Australia: 4-0

I love watching Germany play football, they have a way that just wants to make you join them. It's not Brazil's Samba football, it's German stiffness and push that is always successful. Unfortunetly Ballack was injured and Matteus and Klinsman are old farts - so the team is young, the World Cups youngest - but they showed that the German spirit lives on. Australia isn't a football nation, more of a rugby nation, but they do have quite a few players playing in the Premier League and my ALL TIME favorite player HARRY KEWELL is Australian. Unfortunetly for me Kewell didn't play last night and unfortunetly for Australia, Germany scored 4 awesome goals...

The game was brilliant, we'll at least Germany was brilliant =)

Pre-match comments from Nick Leeson.
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söndag 13 juni 2010

Correspondent News

Rumors/comment from the first days of world cup:

“Swedish doctors, recognized to be among the best in the world, now warn the general public about the vuvuzela, the trumpets used at the world cup matches in South Africa. They call for a ban of this popular instrument since they deem it unhealthy and can damage your ears. The doctors says “it can not only be damaging for the ears, the worst is that people in the stadiums seems to enjoy the sound and have fun”, something that is very alarming for Swedish doctors.
The Swedish doctors claims to have the cure for this since they have overcome this problem in Sweden where first division football games are played by amateurs in front of small crowd of ~3-400 where everybody quietly watching the game. There was a problem in the 50-60-ies when the spectators use to cheer on their favorite players but this has been put to a stop with the aid of Swedish doctors and the Swedish health authorities. Now we use to fill the national football stadium in Stockholm, Rasunda, with no more than 500 people although the capacity is 35,000 but this is purely a safety measure ordered by the Swedish doctor association. Their chairman, dr Kare Noshit, explain the concept: “we have the 500 to sit at least 25 meters apart so nobody can talk to or disturb each other, furthermore they can not disturb or distract the players or cause any damage to their ears. The Swedish spectators have the best hearing among all football supports in the world, something that makes Swedish doctors very proud! The teams are also instructed to not score any goals and thereby not causing any unnecessary joy for the spectators.  

This system has been in place for many years in Sweden and the Swedish have their own version of Gary Lineker’s famous “Football is a game with 22 men and in the end, the Germans always win” The Swedish motto is:

“Football is a game played by 22 men and in the end nobody cares who wins.”

Your correspondent
Hambeck Slicktoria, Dubai

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Match # 7

Serbia - Ghana: 0-1

An extremely boring game, sure quite a few goal opportunities but not much to make a footballer excited. A correct decision for a penalty kick for Ghana produced the only goal, scored by Gyan. That's pretty much all I'm going to say about the game - not too exciting...

Pre-match comments from Nick Leeson.
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This is the downside of the largest sport in the world - What is the world coming to?

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Match # 6

Algeria - Slovenia: 0-1

Well then, a truly boring game with none of the usual football excitement, not even a couple of chances to make an impact. The Slovenian goal was a joke and the Algerian goalkeeper Gaouaoui did a Green, but a touch worse. He just perfected the Green, that from now on might be called a Gaouaoui instead.

And Algeria's Ghezzal's hand of god try failed miserably - what the hell was he thinking? Atleast he'll have the time to think about it since he was given a RED CARD!

Pre-game comments from Nick Leeson.

Our correspondents:

Rumors/comments regarding Algeria-Slovenia:
“Unbelievable, within 24 hours we have another bathroom slippery soap incident, the Algerian goalkeeper that kept Africa’s best football team at bay during the qualification, now let the soap slip between his hands against Slovenia. I am sure that the Pharaoh’s regretted that they didn’t take these kind of soft shoots against him during those matches.

Rumors has it that FIFA has called for an extra executive board meeting to discuss the world cup ball; there are short odds of actually replace the existing footballs with full size beach balls just to save the goal keepers more embarrassments. Mrs Hambeck fully supports this idea and has received a nod from Sip Bladder “.

Your correspondent
Hambeck Divad, Dubai

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Prematch report: Germany - Australia

From correspondent: Nick Leeson, Dubai
Germany are one of the strongest nations playing in the world cup, despite missing Michael Ballack, who was injured in Chelsea's last game of the season. He was tackled by Kevin Prince Boateng, playing for Ghana but is half german, and his half brother Jerome Boateng is in the Germany Squad.
Key Men: Philip Lahm, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Mesut Ozil
Jokers: Toni Kroos, Marko Marin, Stefan Kiessling

Australia are playing their third world cup, last time being 2006 when they where cheated out of the Second round by Italy and Fabio Grosso. Hopefully 4 more years on most of the players backs will have given them good experience rather then tired old legs.
Key Men: Tim Cahill, Mark Schwarzer, Lucas Neill, Joshua Kennedy
Jokers: Harry Kewell (if fit and in form), Mark Bresciano.

Thank you Nick!
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Prematch report: Serbia - Ghana

From correspondent: Nick Leeson, Dubai
Serbia are now their own sovereign nation and will be playing their first big tournament, they made it to the world cup 2006 but where them Serbia and Montenegro. 
Key Men: Ivanovic, Vidic, Krasic
Jokers: Kolarov with his sledgehammer left foot, Jovanovich, and Big man Nikola Zigic at 202 cm, making him the tallest player at the tournament (Sorry Crouchy).

Four time african champions Ghana have made it to the world cup again, with the other time being 2006. Unfortunetly the tenacious and star player Michael Essien will not be playing in the tournament as his knee problems have ruled him out.
Key men: Sulley Muntari, John Mensah, Kevin-Prince Boateng.
Jokers: Asamoah Gyan, Andre Ayew

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Prematch report: Algeria - Slovenia

From correspondent: Nick Leeson, Dubai

This is a less dramatized fixture then the evenings later fixtures. Algeria had to play a play off game against Egypt to get to the World Cup as they finished their qualifiying group with the same points and goal difference, with many believing the wrong team made it to the world cup. However, Algeria with Bougherra in defence and tricky Belhadj and Karim Ziani as offensive treats it could be intressting. Slovenia on the other hand have Samir Handanovic as keeper and we'll see how long he can keep Algeria at bay, as I predict an Algerian victory.

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All one needs is a hamock, a good book and sunshine

Finally some sun

After the rain fall of the century and then the wind storm of the decade, the sun finally made an appearance. It's gourgous weather with sunshine, warmth and just a light breeze. Finally project brown-with-sun can continue!!!

lördag 12 juni 2010

Match # 5

England - USA: 1-1

A game between David and Goliath, England being one of the worlds best teams also historically seen, and USA, well what does one say? People who play football are the ones who weren't big enough for American Football. It's a secondary sport...

The game started out beautifully with a goal from Gerrard after 4 minutes. And then, England kept on playing the socks of the Americans, although not as well as they should have. And then something happened and Green (the English goalkeeper) had a HUGE brain-fart and USA had scored. Then the game kind of stopped of, I think the world and the players were shocked ;-). England kept on trying to score, but alas no banana...

The Brittish Tabloids today:
  • The Sunday Times: “Green Fingers”
  • Mail on Sunday: “Calamity”
  • The Independent: “Hand of Clod”
  • Sunday Mirror: “Tainted Glove”
  • News of the World: “Stars and Tripe”

And a new saying has been mounted, "Doing a Green" ;-)

Our correspondents:

Rumors regarding England-USA:
“Rumors have it that the English goal keeper has been granted a Green card for the US, this comes handy for him after yesterday’s game. Other sources reveal that the same  keeper had problems in the shower this morning: the soap was slipping from his hands all the time”.

Your correspondent
Hambeck Divad, Dubai

Yesterday’s late game started exactly as the Island nation wanted with their capitan grabbing the game by the scruff of its neck and tucking it in, all good so far, until the inevitable. Rob Green the English keeper let the ball slip by him, and it wasn’t the sound of USA fans clapping when they scored it was the sound of 20,000 english fans facepalming. It’s quiet ironic how the Americans are so happy with this british spillage when they don’t appreciate British Petroleum’s one. Maybe Robert Green should get lessons from Thierry Henry, he knows how to handle a ball. Joe Hart, the man who should have started, just secured himself even more followers, by doing nothing.

Nick Leeson, Dubai

=) Haha, thank you Hambeck and Nick!

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Hunting licence

I wonder if this hunting weekend actually was something else - when I get this picture from Andy - desert, looks good huh! =)

Match # 4

Syd Korea/ Korean Republic vs Grekland/Greece: 2-0

Syd Korea - Grekland. Ja, vad säger man om Grekland som verkligen har dykt efter EM storheten och Syd Korea som verkligen inte har gjort sig något namn i fotbollsvärlden. Dock blev jag trevligt överaskad av ett ganska trevlig fotboll från Syd Korea och de gör 2 mål, kanske inte världsnyggast men vad gör det...

Korean Republic vs Greece. What does one say about Greece, whom have just sunk since their European Championship days and the Korean Repblic, whom aren't a big name in the football world. Although I was positivly surprised by the Korean Republics nice football and the two goals, aren't the best looking, but count none the less...

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Match # 3

Argentina - Nigeria: 1-0

Argentina - Nigeria, ja vad ska man säga. En vad som kunde vara en spännande match, Argentina ett lag som alltid är roligt att titta på och Nigeria som ibland kan förvåna - men tyvärr var det väl inte så mycket att hurra för...

Förutom ett vackert mål Heinze's då....

Argentina vs Nigeria, well what does one say... What could have been a really exciting game, with two seriosly enjoyable and surprisable teams - but not much excitement there...

All though the goal Heinze's was beautiful...

And I've gotten two correspondents to comments on the World Cup 2010 - two very knowledgable and interested correspondents, with a large dose of humor: 

Rumors regarding Argentina-Nigeria:

“The Eagle has crash landed; unconfirmed rumors has it that Mr Lagerback consulted with the famous Eddie the Eagle before taking on his new role for Nigeria. This correspondent do not believe in these rumors since we have years of personal experience with mr Lagerback command over the Swedish team. It is amazing that it only took him some weeks to reach the same state with Nigeria as earlier with Sweden. i.e., a team full of talent that rather pass the ball safely backwards than risking passing it to their own forwards.
And it was nice to see Maradona again and how he handled the ball back to one of the players at a throw-in; not the first time Maradona handles a ball in a World cup game… ”.

Your correspondent, Hambeck Divad, Dubai

Hahaha =)

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Hahaha =)

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Match # 2

Uruguay - Frankrike/France: 0-0

Match # 2 mellan Uruguay och Frankrike var ingen höjdare, ganska långsam och trist match. Synd eftersom Frankrike brukar spela en ganska rolig fotboll. Synd bara att Bartes (målvakt) har slutat - han var en målvaktsgud! ;-)
Hoppas på bättre matcher idag...

The World Cups second game, between Uruguay and France wasn't very special, slow and boring infact. It's too bad since France usually plays a fun football. To bad Bartes (goalkeeper) has stopped playing - he was awesome! 
Hoping for better games today...
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fredag 11 juni 2010

Match # 1

Syd Afrika/South Africa - Mexiko/Mexico: 1-1

Första matchen avklarad, en helt ok match dock inte så mycket att hurra för. Men Tshabalalas (Syd Afrika) mål var väldigt snyggt (video)! Slutade 1-1, och jag tippade rätt =)

The first game just finnished, and to be truthful the game wasn't anything special. Although Tshabalala's (South Africa) goal was very nice (video). The game ended 1-1 and I bet correctly =). 

Karoleen - Fotograf © Copyright - All rights reserved.
Bilderna på denna blogg tillhör mig och får ej spridas utan lov.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .

2010 South Afrika

Världens största sportevenemang börjar idag, Fotbolls VM 2010. Min familj är ju väldigt fotbollsintresserade så det är inte ett val att titta utan snarare ett måste. Vi har genomfört den traditionella tipningen och i år har till och med Adde varit med. Så nu, tills den 21 juli är det fotbollsfeber i hela världen!

I eftermiddags öppnas VM av matchen mellan världsnationen, Syd Afrika och Mexico. En stor världsfest som alla borde försöka ta del av... =)

The 2010 Fotball World Cup in South Africa starts today, and it's the biggest sporting arrangement of the year. Enjoy the festivities people, it's something that we all should be a part of... =)
Karoleen - Fotograf © Copyright - All rights reserved.
Bilderna på denna blogg tillhör mig och får ej spridas utan lov.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .

torsdag 10 juni 2010


Skickade iväg lillebror till Dubai igår och skickar iväg Adde till Ludvika för Jägarexamen imorgon/helgen. Så med andra ord är jag gräsänkling och får hitta på exakt vad jag vill. Dock har jag så många ideer som jag skulle vilja göra men vi får väl se vad jag hittar på. Hoppas det blir bra bäder i alla fall...

I sent off little brother to Dubai yesterday and sending off Andy to Ludvika (up north) for his hunting licence. So in other words, I'll be a weekend-widow this weekend. And that means doing whatever I want, however it's deciding what to do that's the question. And I'm hoping for nice weather...

/Karoleen via iPhone

tisdag 8 juni 2010

Cool Stuff

En av mina favorit webbutiker är Cool Stuff; dom har allting man aldrig visste att man behövde. Jag älskar att bara gå genom deras produkter och hitta små härligheter till mig själv, familjen eller vänner. Massor med roliga produkter som gör en glad och gör presenter lite roligare =)
En av de grejerna jag verkligen älskar med Cool Stuff är att dom har en "Alla Produkter" kategori, det gör att jag som köpare kan få lite mer övergripande koll på produkterna. Om jag inte letar efter något speciellt så kan jag titta genom den kategorin och få inspiration och hitta massor med roliga "vill-ha" produkter.

En av mina favoritprodukter är Blåsapan som torkar dina nymålade naglar. Vem vill inte ha en liten apa som blåser dina nymålade naglar torra - det gör ju nagelmålning roligt =)
Här har ni fler exempel på produkter som kan vara bra att ha...

En underbar presentbutik som har allt till allas födelsedagar - du kommer hitta mängder av saker som du inte trodde att du behövde och massor med saker som du inte trodde fanns. =)

My favorite gadget webshop is named Cool Stuff and it has all the stuff that you never thought you needed and all the stuff you never knew existed - I love just rummaging throught the "All products" category and find lots of inspiration and fun stuff =)
Karoleen - Fotograf © Copyright - All rights reserved.
Bilderna på denna blogg tillhör mig och får ej spridas utan lov.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .

söndag 6 juni 2010

lördag 5 juni 2010


Grilled chicken fileets with wok'd bell peppers, carrots, parsnip, onions and savoy cabbage. Very yummy!

Summer food

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