tisdag 30 augusti 2011

Wooden door

Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .

måndag 29 augusti 2011

Roadtrip to Lund

4 * a trip of 433,3 km that takes 4 hours and 38 mins (without stops) - and I used the time to play photographer...

Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .

Rings rings rings rings...

 Me wantee nr 1: "Glow" från Edblad

 Me wantee nr 2: Lite pirat från Lite Kalabalik

Me wantee nr 3: Saturnus från Edblad

Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .

Trumpets of Death-mushrooms

Our official last night in the house and we had a lovely dinner with the In-laws.
My Father-in-law grilled some pieces of fillets and my Mother-in-law made potato gratin, a brown sauce and sauteed Trumpet of death mushrooms.

Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .

Anna Jansson - Inte ens det förflutna

söndag 28 augusti 2011

O'Boy kaffe

Breakfast today, is just one of those wierd ones...

Latte with hot chocolate powder mixed in and a couple of sandwiches and a softly boiled egg. Enough to keep you going for another day of packing and unpacking...

lördag 27 augusti 2011

Cray fish party

Kräftskiva/Cray fish party ;-)

Cantharellus Cibarius & Craterellus Cornucopioides

The In-laws took a hour walk in the woods and found...

Yellow chanterells or Cantharellus Cibarius and trumpets of death or black chanterelles or black trumpet or horns of plenty or Craterellus Cornucopioides.

James Patterson - 2nd Chance

torsdag 25 augusti 2011

A grilled chorizo in the garden

Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .

onsdag 24 augusti 2011

Dinner yesterday

Andy was off yesterday at a meeting and the In-laws and I had dinner together. Since they're packing up all their boxes and not everything can be done by others and my kidneys acting up, I'm mostly ground crew... Meaning that I make food and just keep the ship a float...

So yesterdays dinner became a lovely creamy chicken and cauliflower curry served with rice and mango chutney.

Lunch yesterday

You know when you buy asparagus and the bit at the bottom is stringy? You're supposed to bend the asparagus and it will break where it's natural stress is, leaving you with soft and crunchy asparagus. Well what do you do with the bits that you break off? I make asparagus soup, atleast I did yesterday.

Every time we've eaten asparagus I've saved the bottom bits in a ziplock bag in the freezer and now I had around 4 bunches, so asparagus soup it'll be.

I started out with some chopped onion that I sautéed in a pan with some butter and then I added some bacon, just for the depth of flavor. I chopped the asparagus into smaller pieces and I let the lot sweat for quite a while.

While sweating I boiled some water in the kettle and added some stock and then added the mixture to the pan, enough to cover the asparagus, onions and bacon.

I let it cook untill it all had cooked into pieces/mush. Either you let the soup cool slightly or you start blitzing it into a smooth puré. It might be a bit thick but do make sure that the stringy bits are gone. If you can't get them all, try straining the soup.

Put the pan back on the heat and add cream till the soup is smooth and glossy. Check if you need seasoning, such as salt, pepper and/or a squeeze of lemon.

For serving you can have small chopped asparagus pieces (of the fine kind), some sharp cheese, a doloup of sour cream or just as is. A side of toast might also be nice.

It doesn't look to appetizing I know, kind of like baby vomite but it tastes really nice! And very healthy too...

måndag 22 augusti 2011

The carnage

The state of the house post movers...

The kitchen

Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2

The livingroom


The Canadian movers have very special labeling and spelling skills... (in their defence they are French)...

Right now

The In-laws container of furniture arrived today and 4 men are emptying the container. The rest of us are running around and trying to make sure that the furniture is whole and set in the right spot and just trying to be out of the way...

söndag 21 augusti 2011


Tonight, after a really long day of moving furniture and getting the In-laws house into shape for the movers and the container arrival tomorrow, we're now settling down for dinner. Cheese fondue is on the menu and it's something that I really love!

lördag 20 augusti 2011

Waiting for dinner

I'm in a quite bit of pain today, my kidneys are acting up and all the moving has just killed me. So my Mother-in-law has graciously made dinner, and Andy and his Dad are working hard with the move... I'm on the couch, with a lit candle and my iPhone, trying to imagine that the pain is elsewhere...

I hate moving

fredag 19 augusti 2011

Welcome home!

My In-laws have just finished their three year contract in Montreal, Canada. And are now back on Swedish ground again. I know that they are going to miss their beautiful house and the marvels of Canada and Montreal, but I believe that they have missed Sweden too...

Welcome Home!!!

Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .

torsdag 18 augusti 2011


vita öknen
... for the time we can go back to Egypt...

Karoleen - Photographer © 2005-2011 All Rights Reserved.
Contact me at mail@karoleen.se .

söndag 14 augusti 2011

The Move part 2

Yesterday the largest of our MOVES was schedualed. Hansson "the bestest!" came over to help us. We started loading the 2 cars and the trailor at around 11. We worked our asses of, the boys carrying boxes and tetris-ing all the boxes and I packed box after box.

At 2 p.m. I set of with my fully packed car towards the shops to buy dinner (tacos) and then I met up the boys at Max for a quick burger.

Then we set on our epic ride towards house #1. The boys alot slower since the speed limit on a trailer is 80 km/h and the road speed on the highway is 110 km/h. I raced on, not exactly slow, and sang my way all the way "home".

The boys arrived and we set out, with the help of little brother, to empty the trailors and cars.

It went very quickly and since we only needed to place the boxes in an empty room. No need to unpack yet for a couple of weeks.

We set of back towards to home #2 and again the boys lagged. I sang my 160 km drive home... We arrived around 8.30 p.m. And started making dinner, a real tradition - taco evening.

And yes it was just as brilliant as always... Lots of laughs and a really late night...


The best thing about eating taco is that the leftovers make taco-salad for lunch the next day...


Last Thursday we had dinner plans with Chefen and JayJay at Texas Longhorn. I had never been before but I was impressed, the food was really quite nice.

We arrived for dinner to a semi empty restaurant, I guess Thursday isn't their big night.

We ordered drinks and a starter nacho plate to share.

I had quite a problem when ordering, I just couldn't make up my mind... But settled on a Green Chili Burger with Jalapeno.

Andy ordered a steak...

And for desert we (each couple) ordered a Molten Chocolate Cake to share. Yum!

Then after lots of laughs and a really nice time, we went back to their house to watch a movie. We decided on The Conspirator.

A lovely evening with great friends, can't wait for the next get-together...
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