He pretty much is a problemsolver who works from home, but also makes trips all over Sweden - to make sure things get done and get done well.
This means that most of the time he is home, working during the day or at the (one of the several) office, but at home during the nights. That makes me happy - he's there for my happy and sad times and makes sure that I'm warm and safe.
But sometimes he goes away on business trips and then I feel sad cause he isn't here to hold me... But knowing that he will be home soon and that he misses me as much as I miss him, makes itbearable... Eventhough I get somewhat girly sometimes... lets just keep it at that, no detailsneeded ;-)
Yesterday my baby came home from a weeks businesstrip... I've missed him like crazy, but as soon as he stepped through the door and gave me that "hi-baby-I'm-home-look" I got all warm and fuzzy and I forgot all about him being gone...
That is what he does to me... He makes me forget about everything else and just think about him... And sometimes that sucks, since I kinda forget to call my friends... But since I have the best friends in the world, they always forgive me... But that is just the way it is, the way I feel is hard to explain but I guess it is why we are getting married in less than 3 months...
Feel free to "borrow" texts and pictures, please let me know and link back here. Contact me at mail@karoleen.se